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South Halsted

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Posts posted by South Halsted

  1. Don't know about the rest of the people that were there, but I was pretty pissed. Jeff was great, don't get me wrong I really like the song choices, but the people that were there. Perhaps it was just those around me, but god lord they almost ruined the show for me. The guy who wanted his Adult Head signed was kind of sitting in front of me. By kind of I mean he and this other guy who was passed out for the time he was sitting there were constantly switching places. Or else no one was sitting there. I was in section A so these were not the seats that were easy to get. Also the loud guy who was stoned was super annoying. Bring that shit up knowing (or maybe not) that Jeff has been sober for years? very confusing. maybe I am just being particular, but a solo almost acoustic show that cost many dollars, I would prefer if it was quiet (sining along is of course fine) and still during the songs. Oh well hopefully tomorrow night will be better.


    Disagree, Griddles, the banter was to be expected! I had further expectation that Tweedy would play along with the hecklers. What I didn't expect was that he would have fun with it. I remember seeing him solo about 4 yrs ago at the Gothic in Denver and he was a complete jerk to the crowd. He derailed the show b/c people were talking and he wanted everyone to be quiet. He intentionally unplugged from the amp out of frustration with the crowd, which still didn't seem to work. That was 4 yrs ago. I think the Wilco/Tweedy fans last night were a much better crowd, one which he felt happy to play for. People were quiet when they needed to be, loud when it was appropriate.


    I'm just glad last night we didn't get this version of Tweedy: My link

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