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Posts posted by kevintoy

  1. I was in a hurry on Friday night, Jan. 20th. Having packed up all my files, I took a quick shower and went outside at around 11:25 PM. They say the bus to Chicago will show up at 11:30, but it did not come until 12:04. I was cold and tired when I got on the bus and fell asleep almost instantly. I made a mistake here: I put my glasses on my bag under the seat; when I woke up the left glass was broken into two pieces. I spent the following hour trying to fixed, but in vain. I went back to sleep hoping to have some good dreams, however I find it impossible without a passport.


    I arrived in downtown Chicago at 5:30 AM in the morning. The water fountain did not work, and I was eating the bread and apples I brought, while still trying to fix my glasses. Finally after fifty minutes’ effort, I barely put the two pieces together into the border of nylon.


    The morning in Chicago was as cold as that in my hometown. I had never imagined that the wind could be chilly like this. I walked 2 hours in the snow trying to find the Chinese consulate. I was surprised that the Chinese consulate is so small and unnoticeable; I would not have recognized it without a Chinese flag. The passport office is in a business office building. It’s such a contrast with the fancy US consulate buildings in Shenyang with all the safeguards. I went into the office and found out that they do not accept cash anymore, which means I had to go the nearest post office to buy money order, plus the envelope and an 18.30 dollar stamp (I need the mail back service). The paper work was pretty efficient, though the whole procedure was pretty money-consuming. I met a Chinese student in the consulate and he told me that there would be a demonstration for the coming Chinese president in the intersection of Michigan Ave and Chicago Street. All the Chinese students in Chicago were asked to support the president. I went there after finishing my passport, but it was over when I got there. I talked to some random Falun Gong people, and then went on to find the hostel that I made an online reservation in. I arrived at the hostel at 11am, had some sleep, got up, had some pizza, and went to the art institute of Chicago. It was… pretty boring. I’m not a big fan of art, and I found the impression paintings outrageous. If you call that kind of thing art, I could be artist. One thing needs to be mentioned: all the security staff in the Museum are black. I returned to the hostel and had a conversation with two students from France. I thought they were from some Arabic country initially because the boy was wearing a strange hat. The boy is in a PhD program of physics in Paris University seven and the girl is in law school. They recommended the science museum, but all I was thinking of was the swing dance at night.


    I had another two hours sleep, and then headed out. I bought two tickets in the Metro station, and went into the waiting room. When a train came, I asked some random person if that was the right train for me.


    “Where are you going?” He asked.

    “Hyde park.”

    He took a timetable and checked: “ Yes, this train goes to Hyde park.”


    I got on the train hesitantly and the door closed as soon as I walked into the train. I asked the conductor again to make sure, and he answered: “No, get off.” I thought he wanted me to get off in the next stop because the train was already going. So I found a seat and sat down. The conductor came to check the ticket and he seemed somewhat disappointed and angry to see me still there: “ I told you to get off.” I looked puzzled and didn’t know what to do. I was just thinking “how can I get off a train when it is running” and the conductor said: “OK, sit down. We’ll take you there. Four dollars.” So I was charged additional four dollars for getting on the wrong train. Now I do know that Chicago has different train systems, and taking the wrong train can cause you trouble.


    Anyway, finally I found the Ida Noyes Hall. It is a cool building and there were many activities going on there. I spent about five minutes with an Asian Christian community and then went to the swing dance. It was AMAZING. We had a beginners’ East Coast lesson first and then came the open dance. I danced, to the great music, with all different girls. I gladly found myself pretty good at Lindy Hop after three months’ practicing. Many of the dancers there are college students from U of Chicago, some of them are from nearby neighborhoods. I had lots of nice conversations with them. The question that I’ve been asked most is “what brought you here?” I answered “I lost my passport.” Nine of ten people said sorry, and the last person said “I’m so glad that you lost your passport, that’s why you are here!”


    I was dancing really, really hard. I dance very quick Lindy with a girl called Nina and after the song I asked her: “Are you OK?”

    “I’m dizzy.”

    “I’m dizzy.” Just like what I said to Emily when I first dance Lindy Hop.


    I danced continuously for three and a half hours. I missed the Metro at 11:30 so I waited for 50 minutes for the last train. The Metro station shocked me. The 59th Ave station is really crappy. It is like it’s been abandoned for decades. The waiting rooms are dirty and cold; there is not any protection on the edge of the platform. I got back to the hostel at about 1am. Feeling exhausted, I took a shower and went to bed. The next day I got up at 10. After finishing my meal I checked out and went to the Museum of science and industry. There was a long line in front of the ticket office; realizing that there’s no possibility for me to finish the museum, I decided to come here next time ( if I have chance to come to Chicago again). However, I did visit the record- breaking Burlington train. It was fun.


    And I came back to Grinnell at night.

  2. That was very helpful. Thank you all.


    I decide to change my schedule..I'm going there on Friday because I really don't want to miss the dance. Hopefully the Chinese president doesn't interrupt the regular office hours of the Chinese consulate.


    I'm going Hyde Park definetely. Interesting places are riskier, but that doesn't prevent people from having fun. I'll be careful.


    I really appreciate your help. Thanks again.



  3. Down here in Hyde Park there is swing dancing every Friday night.


    U of Chicago Link


    The President of China is going to be in town on January 20tha and 21st, I am sure the Chinese Consultant is going to be hopping:


    Chicago Tribune Link

    Thank you so much for answering my questions~~


    I haven't been watching news for a long time. And I'm not a big fan of him anyway. I'm going to Chicago on Jan. 17th, Monday, and going back in the next afternoon 3pm. Hopefully I can finish my passport thing really quick. The bus will arrive at 630 W. Harrison (downtown area) at 4:45 am on Monday. The Chinese consulate is not far. I also want to visit the art institute of Chicago (that's museum, right?) As for swing dance, I'm just curious about what dance in big cities are like and want to find somewhere for social dance.


    My host family told me to find some hostel to stay overnight but I don't know if that's possible since I dont have my passport. I guess I just want to make sure that I don't get lost... Well, maybe a ride from Chinese consulate to the art institue of Chicago?


    I searched "swing dance" and "Ballroom" on Google map but I don't know where to find normal social dance. Will people dance with strangers? I went to a Ballroom in Nebraska and they all came with their friends so I did not dance much actually.

  4. Hey everyone,


    gogo told me to put my questions here...



    I'm a student from Grinnell and am going to Chicago because I lost my passport have to go to Chinese consulate there to replace my passport. I picked up swing dance in Grinnell college and really enjoy it. Could anyone provide me with good swing or blues dance clubs?


    And also, It would be great if someone could provide me with a ride (within Chicago)




    Thank you very much.






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