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Posts posted by REH

  1. AT, yeah, I did get 'em -- thank you for trying to help out, though, I appreciate it & would've posted sooner had I known. I'm actually trying to find someone to "team up" with now in line, since I'll be coming from out of town & don't mind waiting all day but usually find it best with a team-approach!


    (When you are 5' tall & it's GA, "go front row or don't go at all" is my motto.)

  2. I just snagged a pair of Vic tickets thanks to a friendly poster from VC. I am trying to work out the logistics since I'll be driving a long distance.


    Who else is planning to go, & do you Chicago fans do the camp-out-all-day type thing, usually? I've never been to The Vic & don't know much about the neighborhood, the setup for waiting, etc. etc.


    Any info for a fellow fan would be appreciated.

  3. If anyone has a single ticket to either the Vic show or the Metro show, I'd love to buy it from you -- I had a ticket to Civic Opera that I just sold (for face value, on Craigslist), since after doing GA in both KC & Des Moines, I don't think I can handle the proper seated atmosphere of Monday's show! I'd probably make a BUNCH of enemies, ha ha.


    So I'm hoping to do either the Vic or the Metro, if I can find a willing soul to sell me a ticket.


    (I swear, if I didn't have a job, I'd just follow this band around the country.......)

  4. Hmmm, most of the shows I've seen on this tour start pretty close to on-time, Nick plays for about 40 minutes, then probably half an hour between, then roughly about 2 1/4 hours for Wilco. Does that seem right to everyone? I might be a little off.


    (Most places I've been have noise ordinances at either 11:30pm or 11pm, so that's typical ending time regardless.)


    Doors, I assume that's venue-specific... & a whole other stupid story re: the Val-Air.... don't even GET me started, but anyway. I wish I were hitting those MN shows. Are you going to both?


    edited to add, re: Nick again:

    I think the V-A crowd was just the WRONG sort for his material & nothing to do with that night's specific performance (fortunately OR unfortunately). They wanted loud noise, & that's not Nick's set.

  5. Ah, okay. I wondered. I didn't know if he meant the crowd, or the band.


    I do believe the stoned hippie(s) were directly to my right. The smoke WAS getting rather thick toward the end, I think "Shot In The Arm" was what prompted it........ as if that song is not intense enough already!


    I felt -- right or wrong -- as if Jeff sort of granted us rambunctiousness-permission early on when he said, yeah, we can work with that.

  6. Yes, afraid to say the two guilty parties were on either side of me, & I wasn't so innocent myself.



    The owl's name is Peter. He travels everywhere with them, much like the owl & bear that accompany My Morning Jacket. The funniest comment I ever read on Via Chicago was during one of the sitting vs. standing arguments when someone said that they decide which to do based on Peter's blink-rate. I about fell off my chair laughing.


    Since you were there:

    Did you notice/hear all the noise from the back of the room during Nick's set, especially "Let Things Slide" & the other quieter numbers? It sounded like an ocean roaring at first but was actually just people being inconsiderate, I assume? We felt badly for him, I don't think that crowd appreciated him nearly as much as they did in KC the night prior.


    However, yes, the Val-Air is RAW. Perhaps because there's no pretense about it, the energy that way, too. Still not sure what Jeff meant when he referred to having "gone through the wormhole," after (I think it was) one of the encore numbers.

  7. Part of my theory is that the lack of normal stage set-up -- the ghost-y things hanging down, the normal lighting, etc. -- gave it more of an old-time rock show feel, & the music followed that.


    The Val Air is really kind of a dive in some respects, but just having the spotlights & good ol' fashioned smoke was a BLAST. It stripped all the professional-type trappings away.


    Such a different experience from the classy seated venues. Not that those aren't enjoyable, also, just DIFFERENT.


    (I don't think I've ever liked "I'm Always In Love" as much as I did last night, it went from a bit cute & sentimental -- the way I think it sounds on the record -- to almost a defiant statement.)

  8. This show, my god, was louder & faster & harder than any Wilco show I've been to.


    Did anyone else think so?


    Even "Dawned On Me" had some heavier guitar work going on that's not normally part of it.... I think Jeff sensed the type of crowed he had on his hands & wisely went with that vibe.... it was a ROCK rock show.


    And wow, it was nice to have some staples on the sidelines & to instead get stuff like "At Least That's What You Said."

  9. This digresses from the actual topic of how was the SHOW, but as the #1 (little redhead) in line, a few notes regarding the logistics:


    The guy who made the decision to let the bar-crowd in early is actually the OWNER of the Uptown, which surprised me. Earlier, the decision had NOT been to handle it that way, which is why I originally stayed in line after having been there since 1pm. Once he decided to pull a switch, he came & pulled me inside, I think because he knew I was about to get screwed otherwise. It was a VERY strange deal. Typically, the artist chooses -- or not -- to sell early-entry-lounge passes at the Uptown (like Bon Iver did), so probably not cool for management to supersede that. I know I got lucky, but I will say at least I recognized many of the faces upfront at being people who waited outside with me (& stayed), so that was a relief. I do feel badly for those who weren't as fortunate.


    Also, the guy who fell down in front, has a bad hip & slipped on the metal grate in front of the barrier, just FYI.


    That said:

    I never, never, ever, ever though I'd have the chance to hear "Less Than You Think" at a show. I could've died happy right then & there.


    And yes, the lukewarm response to "New Madrid" bummed me out, it got much better play in Madison.

  10. Glad I'm not the only one who adores the "Circuital" cover. I've read two different stories that explain it (other than YY's just general oddness, that is), although they may not be different stories as much as two parts of the same story. Okay, this is off-topic, sorry.


    I think this being the first non-photograph cover is an interesting point.

  11. Fakeliz, I just e-mailed you -- I will have 2 balcony tickets to the KC show if you are interested in those (balcony is reserved/seated, floor is GA). I won't lie, they are freakin' AWFUL tickets, but I grabbed the first pair that was available just in case I couldn't find others. Let me know, since if not, I will probably try to sell them here.



  12. Winter, I just had to say, I was at that Iowa City show, too -- & I *still* refer to it is "The Daughter Of The Mayor Of Cedar Rapids Show." I probably always will. I saw Steve Earle at that same venue last Monday & was telling someone that story, 'cuz a few of Steve's fans were getting rowdy, & I said, hey, this is NOTHING.


    I will never forget the beer bottle someone rolled down the aisle during the pause in "Passenger Side."

  13. Hey, Amarinthe, it appears there will be at least TWO of us at the Des Moines show -- you, & me. Had the same experience as you, worked my tail off to get Chicago & KC tickets, but Des Moines was a breeze.


    P.S. I am looking for someone to partner-up with for waiting that Sunday, so let me know if you are interested. It's always nice to have someone to take shifts with in line for food runs, bathroom breaks, etc. I stood for about 3 hours for The Black Keys & was in the 3rd row or so, but I'm not taking that many chances with THIS one!!!!

  14. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but it never occurred to me until someone else asked -- & I didn't see a reply to it in that thread, so.


    The 4-ticket limit is per SHOW, correct?


    I am planning to attend 4-5 different shows this winter, usually buying 2 seats at a time, & wanted to be sure I wouldn't run into trouble with Frontgate for buying, say, 10 tickets to 5 different shows.......

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