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Posts posted by Quixote

  1. My list is in constant flux as well. So, for today, in no particular order:


    1) Poor Places

    2) Monday

    3) Misunderstood

    4) I'm Always in Love

    5) Handshake Drugs

    6) At Least That's What You Said

    7) A Shot in the Arm

    8) Pot Kettle Black

    9) Born Alone

    10) Sky Blue Sky

  2. Great show and a fantastic night for an outdoor show! bbop, I thought it felt a little subdued at the start, too. I think the crowd was still warming up a bit. I dug the set list, though. It was my third Wilco show and my first time to catch "She's a Jar," "Laminated Cat," and "Outtasite (Outta Mind)." I think the highlight of the night for me was when the older (seemed to easily be in his 60s at least) gentleman sitting next to me, who had been intermittently sitting throughout the show, bounced up for "A Shot in the Arm" and belted out every last word--the song was a kick ass ending to the main set, too.

  3. I've always thought a studio version of "Laminated Cat" along the lines of the live renditions would've fit nicely on the album. (I dig the studio version on the first Loose Fur album, but I've always thought the song has sounded better live.)

  4. I've got to go with "Misunderstood." It capsized any expectations anyone may have had that Being There was going to sound like a continuation of A.M., and it was the band's foray into jarring, experimental sounds. Not to mention it's simply a fantastic song. I don't think IATTBYH, ALTWYS, and AOA are far behind, though.

  5. I wish I could recall what interview I read it in, but I remember Jeff saying the song had been around since the Being There days, but he'd never been able to get the right vibe on the song. Lyrically I could definitely see the song belonging on that album.

  6. It is puzzling. I wonderif the label really felt like "Can't Stand It" would be a strong single, or if they just were tired of trying to find a single and since they'd requested the song in the first place, they decided to just go ahead and release it. I don't think "Can't Stand It" is bad, but it's never struck me as radio-friendly (I mean, it has bells/chimes for one thing) or immediately catchy.

  7. I think in time, Summerteeth will grow to become more and more appreciated -- more so than it is among the fans. Even though I know what the big labels were going for back in the day, it still makes me chuckle to think that a few suits thought Summerteeth and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot were lacking catchy songs.


    I agree, especially regarding Summerteeth. The late '90s were the halcyon days of alt-pop on the radio. Although the album was more sophisticated than, say, Fastball or Barenaked Ladies, I can't help thinking songs like "I'm Always in Love" or "ELT" wouldn't have garnered airplay.


    My rankings:


    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot


    Being There

    The Whole Love -

    A Ghost Is Born

    Sky Blue Sky


    Wilco (the album)

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