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Posts posted by darktrain

  1. I have been listening to this show all week. I can't believe how awesome No Time for the Season is. I don't think Ive ever heard it live before, and they have basically made it into a "modern" abstract Wilco song".


    As far as the quality. I'd rate the audio about a B+...the first track is really quiet for some reason, but it eventually picks up. You can also hear a great amount of detail. Tracks like Red Rising Lung sound great. Best of all the audience chatter is minimal, mainly because the people present were all diehard fans and werent singing or talking much during the performance.


    If you want a pristine Wilco Live show, I recommend hunting down the band released Live at the 9:30 Club. it was a freebie for folks that bought the Wilco DVD. The sound quality on this recording is nothing short of amazing, and the set list is fantastic,


    I am not defending the Audio I captured(which i feel for a audience recording is really good.....not my first rodeo) but you simply can't compare a Audience recording to a SBD mixed recording from the band, that really is Apples and Oranges, If all we had were "pristine" recordings then we wouldn't have many at all. It seems you are grading the recording that way, but if you want to give it a grade, then it really should be against other audience recordings. I was just about to put up my second source but seeing as how it isn't as superior as a the "pristine" show you listed seems I shouldn't bother :stunned

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