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Posts posted by moniker

  1. Nicely reviewed, folks.


    A few notes about the songs he played:

    • Less Than You Think: this was an audience request from someone up close to the stage.
    • IATTBYH: This was a request from the moderator. He had brought up the movie and had asked a few questions about it. It made for an interesting comparison to the documentary that we had just watched. The moderator mentioned that he really liked the version of IATTBYH that's in the movie and asked if Jeff would play the song... and he did.
    • The Losing End: After each song Jeff would sit back down (with guitar on knee) and answer a few more questions. After discussing IATTBYH, the conversation segued into Jeff's involvement in the film I'm Not There. The moderator asked if he would perform Simple Twist of Fate to which Jeff said... "no" and chuckled. He added something about there being too many words and that he'd mess it up. There was then a short exchange about performing covers which I don't recall. This seemed to result in Jeff deciding to play The Losing End. Very unexpected and I quite enjoyed it.
    • One by One: a microphone had been set up halfway back in the hall and a woman was allowed to ask a question. She thanked Jeff for Mermaid Avenue and asked if he could talk about the sessions as well as play one of the songs. Jeff picked One By One.
    • You Are Not Alone: this was in response to a discussion about Mavis Staples and Jeff's work with her. The moderator than asked if he'd play the song.
    • "Finger-Pickin' Thing": see great comment above from JethroNC... and the quote sounds spot on to me.

    A few more notes:

    • I don't believe Jeff brought any of his own guitars with him. Before the movie, I'm pretty sure the moderator stated that they had found him one. Unfortunately, we were't close enough to see it in much detail. It was a matte black acoustic guitar with a white pick guard. Not sure on the make.
    • IATTBYH discussion: the awkward scene as mentioned above by Wilco Me is the one where Jeff is asked to meet some folks in a room after one of his solo performances. He credited the director for staying with the room when he exits. He said something to the affect that at the time he really didn't understand or had a hard time realizing that he was the focus of attention in the room. Later, he found it curious to see how the crowd mills about speechless and then slowly disintegrates upon him leaving the room. It's very hard for him to watch. There was more about IATTBYH... wish I could remember it all. Sorry. 
    • Mermaid Ave discussion: Jeff corrected the questioner... Nora Guthrie did not directly ask Wilco to be involved, but it was Billy Bragg that did so. This, I believe, is pretty general knowledge. However, Jeff then went on to say that he found out much later that Billy first asked Son Volt but that Jay declined to be involved. Don't think I had ever heard that before.
    • Sammy: Jeff was introduced and he walked out with the guitar which was placed on a stand beside the chairs. They talked for a bit before Sammy was brought out as an added special quest. Sammy did great, although really wasn't out there for very long. They talked about how the whole family was involved in picking which movie to present. But once Jeff started performing, Sammy quickly b-lined for backstage. There was mention of him grabbing his camera but I don't recall seeing him again. Jeff joked at one point that he might have already jumped on a plane for home.
    • Oh.. also, Boyhood was brought up and the moderator asked how that came into being. Jeff said they had asked him to contribute and that he provided Summer Noon. And then quickly said he wouldn't perform it as it's not a great tune to do with just an acoustic guitar. I got the impression that he didn't realize that Hate it Here would actually be discussed IN the movie and that it actually distracted Jeff a bit while he was watching the film for the first time... took him "out the movie". He also mentioned that instead of "Boyhood" the film should have been called "Motherhood" and was very complementary of Patricia Arquette's performance.
  2. As I live just down the road from this particular venue, I have been to many shows at NCMA. This was certainly one of my favorites. A great night. I agree with those that noticed that they didn't really seem to be in the mood to jam. Some of the most concise versions of tunes I've heard them play. Particularly Spiders... and I have heard them play several "acoustic"  versions before.


    I'll also mention that as it was a beautiful afternoon that day, we took the dog over for a walk around 3pm with the hope of possibly catching soundcheck. And totally lucked out. Quite fun and not a lot if folks were around to hear it... She's a Jar, Either Way, Pot Kettle Black, Kamera, Kicking Television, Misunderstood (acoustic), California Stars (acoustic). Hard to call the last two full run-throughs. Seems they were mainly just getting themselves on the same page and holding a lot back for later.

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