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Mary Castillo

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Posts posted by Mary Castillo

  1. I met him the first time, during the ghost is born tour in Houston. I was painfully shy and he was extremely nice, an embarrassing combination as he was too nice to walk away, and I was too frozen to move or speak. I have no idea why, I am not the type to be speechless or star struck, but I was and it was bad.Then after he starting asking me questions, I became a chatterbox, and I embarrassingly dug in purse for a guitar pic, that I thought was his, until he finally pulled one out of his pocket and gave it to me, in an effort to make me stop behaving like a weirdo. Finally able to speak like a normal person, I told him what a great show the Pixies did but hardly regained my dignity, my husband said as we walked away, "that was painful to watch".


    The second time was in Dallas, Palladium Ballroom September 14th 2007, I took my son, Ethan, with me, it was his 8th birthday. His father and I always go to shows, and he had been begging to come along forever. When this one came along on his actual birthday I thought it was a great present for him, and it turned into the most memorable birthday he has ever had. During the show Eth was having a great time, the band noticed and Jeff began chatting with him from the stage. I told Jeff it was his birthday, and then the band, accompanied by most of the audience, sang Ethan, Happy Birthday, it was truly incredible and Ethan felt so amazing and special. After the show we met him and some of the other band members, this time I let Ethan do all the talking. Ethan will be 13 this year, It was his most favorite birthday, and I could never thank Jeff enough for making him feel so awesome. He still has the can of Sprite that Jeff handed him from the stage! After the show, Eth looked up to me all sleepy-eyed, "Do you think Jeff Tweedy will remember me, Mom?"


    "Who could forget you?" I said.


    Commence, "Awwing".

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