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Zils Xafwubre

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Posts posted by Zils Xafwubre

  1. Hmmm ... very rarely write anything fan-like to anyone... but here I am. And why? Well, I've had a dreadful week on top of a tricky year. I love playing the guitar and taking photographs, and my camera is broken, my guitar has mysteriously started falling to bits, our only car has just completely died, I have family members seriously ill, and work has recently descended into a nightmare of politics and stress ... ha, ha, what a year.


    It could of course all be infinitely worse and I have a job and great family, so it's all relative and I cannot complain too much. Anyway, I was walking to work today feeling a tad depressed by things, and decided to listen to the Roadcase Solid Sound show I'd downloaded from the Wilco site the night before.  A slow-burn rampage of such mood-changing, life-affirming music, so powerful and full of wonderful energy. What a band. I was reminded that life has many great things, and Wilco is one of them. I discovered a smile and the joy of walking to great music. Thanks, guys!! That's it. Over and out, just wanted to put that out there somewhere, probably not the right place but there ya go.

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