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Posts posted by arrpadge

  1. I never thought I would say this, but I am disappointed in the band for this.  I'm in Indiana and was more than looking forward to my first Wilco show in nearly a decade.  This law is bullshit, 100%, that is not the issue.  They weren't coming here to play a private show for Mike Pence and his bigoted cronies, it was for the fans.  Do you honestly think that any of your fans, no matter what shitty state they live in, actually support this kind of hate and intolerance?  If anything we need as much positivity as we can muster out of this embarrassing shitstorm that has been taking place.  Wilco was my shelter from that storm, and I know I'm not the only one.  By doing this you are doing absolutely nothing to help us.  Mike Pence is a fucking moron, if he doesn't care about the LGBT community he doesn't care what a "rock band" says about him.  You are hurting your fans, not the people responsible for this.  Sorry for the rant, I love Wilco, and I always will.  

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