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Everything posted by shiloh

  1. Awesome folks! I also found this interview with John on the Hofner bass site (http://www.hofner.com/news/news/view/label/Talking%20with%20John%20Stirratt/) and indeed he talks about his '72 Precision and his '70 J bass. Also a quick search on youtube for recent live clips of Misunderstood, we can see that John is playing the 12 string accoustic. I have not found the meaning of the "h" yet thanks very much! I think I can confirm that this is John's setlist. MArc
  2. Hello I picked up this setlist at Thompson Point concert. I didnt exactly see from where the technician who gave it to me picked it up, but from the general area he was from, I assume this could only be John's, Pat's or Jeff's setlist. Anyone knows exactly what are the letters and numbers at the end of each songs would mean? My guess is for instrument change. Could the "12" on Misunderstood means twelve strings guitar? I got the setlist framed with the poster See attached pics. Thanks! Marc
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