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Posts posted by notary

  1. Wow, I completely disagree, but I've heard at least one other person say the same thing as you. I think Darin's joy at being onstage shines through in his performance, and I find his exuberance really refreshing. There seems to be a lot of communication going on between him and Spencer onstage, too. 



    Went to two shows this weekend.  In the first, from the mezzanine, his movements were...amusing.  I might have caught a little of the robot in there.  Night two, from up close, it was much less obvious.  And one thing was clear, he's a heck of a player, and really enjoys playing these songs.   Hard to complain about that. 

  2. For those of you that have heard "why, why, why" - do you think it's going to end up a Wilco song? A TWEEDY song?


    Having heard it twice, I'd say it would have fit nicely on a few Wilco records; easily on The Whole Love.  I've taped the Northampton show, but haven't had a chance to preview how the recording came out (given my seat I don't have high hopes).  If it's passable, I will get the show up soon.  If it's not...I'll get that song out there at the very least.  

  3. i hope the concert was enjoyable overall - jeepers, on a Saturday night at a rock n roll show, people should always remember to bring:
    - their tickets
    - a sense of humor.

    The show absolutely killed.  And as RJ pointed out, everything got played a bit more intensely after the incident.  'Don't Let Me Be So Understood' had teeth, despite the fact that they were playing it with sheet music and Jeff was reading the lyrics from a page.  The twit in the audience--and in the lobby after the show I overheard a group of her friends describing her as just that--is not alone.  At nearly every show I've been to in the last 10 years there's someone who thinks buying the ticket makes them a participant in the show, and not a spectator of it.  Audience involvement is fine, when it's asked for/encouraged.  


    Jeff was clearly thrown by it--he went back to the topic after at least five songs--but not enough to hurt his playing.  

  4. Jeff called this one a tough night, which, about 1hr 30min into the show. it most definitely became.  Like last night, much of the banter came at the expense of clappers (at one point he challenged then to try to derail his performance with their off clapping.  They tried, they failed.)


    An amusing story involved Jeff getting scolded by a Northhampton do-gooder for idling the tour buses.  He was told he could look up the regulations, which he did, and concluded they were legally in the right since they needed the bus's power to "run his dialysis machine...and football squares."  It was clearly in jest, but this incensed a member of the audience who yelled out something about the environment not being a joke and scolding him for saying 'the environment would just have to take a hit.'  Anyway, the heckler seemed to infuriate Jeff, who pointed out he was joking, and told her to "Sit the f(*k down.  After a few more songs, though, he seemed to get more upset than angry.  The exchange came up in between every song until the show ended.  


    Lots of variation from last night's show, which I also attended.  A live debut (?) of Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood, The work in progress is back (Why, Why, Why), as were:  Born Alone, Give Back the Keys, Hesitating Beauty, Not for the Season, Radio King, Please Tell My Brother, Passenger Side, 

  5. As has already been pointed out, Jeff was in rare form last night.  


    On the reason he was allowed to get some laughs at Spencer's expense:  "I changed his diapers.  This afternoon."  


    In response to some hoots in between songs:  "Is there a tuning fetish?  I bet that's a thing.  Worst. Porn site.  Ever."  


    When the woman in the front row, whom Jeff had just introduced as Leslie Feist, defended her pretty obnoxious insistence on being part of the show by yelling out "I don't get out much":  That is really surprising.  

  6. This was a great film. Generally speaking, I hate romantic comedies (except for old ones like The Apartment), and though there isn't much here story-wise that hasn't been done before, everything just clicks. All the performances are great, the writing is strong, and there are some nice directorial touches. The ending line could well become a classic, if this movie ever finds an audience.


    Nice surprise hearing Patient, too. Well used, as were a lot of songs.

  7. I'd agree that too much is being made of the Springsteen influence, but it's quite a bit more than piano+keyboards+sax. CF's vocals, particularly on the last two CDs, would make him the ideal choice to do a full-on cover of Greetings From AP NJ. As someone has already pointed out, the biggest tie is the recurring characters he's created for his chosen setting. Again, that brings to mind the first Springsteen album.


    With that said, I think CF has taken that idea to a much broader level, and there are plenty more things to love about this band. As for the new CD, some really great songs on there.

  8. Tough scene, I tell you. I've had this happen many times, with many bands. Sometimes they reschedule. Sometimes they cancel. Either way, I would try not to take it personally. Obviously, those of you who are really upset can, and probably should, return the tickets for a refund. I'm sure someone else will happily take them.

  9. Such an amazing show last night. Surprises left and right, not the least of which was having my requested song (Hotel Arizona) played (I could not have been the only one, but would like to take full credit). Never thought I'd see a full-band show where Being There was so well represented. Looks like the post-residency shows are going to be winners.

  10. Just got back from this excellent show. A very lengthy set, with some beautiful playing on Ryan's part. Saw the Hiro show earlier this week; the two sets couldn't be more different from one another. Ryan is still capable of massive surprises. Tonight was one of them.

  11. Well, I have always taken pride in the fact that my absolute favorite artists didn't sell their songs to commercials--or stand by silently if someone else did. I've watched that list of artists get smaller and smaller over the years, to the point where it is pretty much Springsteen, Waits and Neil Young at this point.


    A few days ago a friend called to tell me she had heard Wilco in a VW ad. My immediate response was that it couldn't have been, because they don't do that sort of thing. I won't say I was angry or felt betrayed or any of that nonsense when I too saw the ad. Ultimately, they are Jeff's songs and he can do what he wants with them.


    I guess I was just disappointed. Not in Wilco in particular, so much as I was in the idea of that list getting still smaller. I know, it's probably easier to turn that offer down if you are Springsteen, Waits or Neil Young. But I'm really glad they're holding out.


    At the high school in which I teach there aren't many kids who take music all that seriously. For most of them, it's just something to have on in the background while you're doing something that should come second to the music you're listening to. Every year there are a handful of kids, though, who get it, and I've always enjoyed listening to their stuff while passing on recommendations of my own to them. Wilco is always one of the first things I insist they listen to.


    Okay, so that last part is getting a bit off track. I'll just end by saying I don't like the idea of Wilco, or any band that matters to me, being background music. The world has too many background music bands as it is.


    End of ramble.

  12. Springsteen impression? Any info?



    He sang a few lines from 'Jungleland' (I believe it was the "Outside the streets on fire...", could have just been "To-night in Jung-gle...), then did a little of the moaning from the end of the song. Afterwards, he quipped that he had better be careful or he might end up at the bottom of a ditch or in a marsh.

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