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Pitchfork reviews DYLAN

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Pitchfork sucks and I have no idea why you guys talk about them so much here. In fact, this is the only place I notice that ever mentions Pitchfork. How cool of them to trash a Dylan greatest hits package. Edgy! Sticking it to the big, Columbia music machine. Yeah! This is the same website that picked "And You Will Know Us By The Trail of the Dead" as a best of the year selection!


Look, we all know this release is a "cash grab" for Columbia. Do you guys realize they are in the music business? Yeah I know, shocking. If it gets young people to discover the magic of Dylan, how can that be a bad thing? If it collects many Dylan classics in one place with better sound so my Mom will love it for Xmas, how can that be a bad thing?


Pitchfork is awful. Just read the Pj Harvey review on there if you want another example....

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Of course this is a cash grab. Thing is, though, there are actually people out there--a lot of people--who don't own any Dylan and this new package might be just their thing. If so, good for them. If you're like me and already have this stuff, well, we don't have to bother. What's the big deal? Are we seriously supposed to be pissed about how there's another CD out there that we must somehow find the time and energy to ignore?

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The fact is that all recording artists under go reissues, greatest hits packages, etc. FOREVER. That's why the Doors, The Beatles, CCR and every other musician that labels can make money off of reissue stuff. Stop at any truck stop and you will see CDs of greatest hits packages for any number of singers both dead and alive. Why get upset about this. Just wait until Wilco's greatest hits are packaged and then repackaged by by Reprise and then Nonesuch, etc.



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