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Some bands that I want to (maybe) introduce you to

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So, NONE of these bands are mine, although some are my friends. (Is that okay?).

I'm sure that some of you know some of these guys, but hopefully you'll find some new ones here, too. I'm surious to know what you think of them, once you listen (if you listen).


Hope that you dig 'em.


Happy Ashtray - A guy that I went to Jr. High and High School with. He just happens to be a brilliant songwriter/musician/producer.


Tom Z

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Green - Jeff Lescher and company. Great guy. Great tunes. New album will be (hopefully) coming out soon. Anyone wanna release it?
Green is one of the great unappreciated Chicago bands. I am amazed he is still plugging away. I have a couple of his/their albums and saw them once at Phyllis' Musical Inn on Division.



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I'm gonna bump this, juet because I want to see if any of you have checked out any of these folks. And, also, to give you another chance to do so.


Then I'll shut up about them (for this thread).

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