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Vee Dee...another Chicago band

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There was a nice article in The Reader this week about the local band Vee Dee, which had their record release party at the Empty Bottle last night and have released a very cool double LP album. The lead singer and guitarist of this band is a clerk at Lauries and a genuinely nice guy, who along with his bass player comrade have soldiered on in the Chicago music scene for a decade and maybe can actually see some rewards at this point.


The show last night was a gas and the album is really great. I am sure if you contact Laurie's they can get a copy to you. It is a sort of punky psychedlic affair with some crazy ass lyrics and alot of energy. The article itself desribes it better than I can this morning (with slightly impared hearing at the moment, not that I should be at a loss for words....)



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