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Would you please vote for my band?

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I hate doing this.

But, seeing as how this damn thing is gonna turn into a popularity contest anyway, if you could go to these pages, put an "X" in the box next to each of my songs, and then go hit "SUBMIT VOTES" at the top of the page, that would be cool.


My band is called:



My song "Ashes On the Water" is about 1/5 of the way down THIS PAGE.


And my songs "Cary's Here" and "C'mon Angel" toward the bottom of THIS PAGE (they're right next to each other).


That would be cool.

And, all that.


This is now the end of this embarrassing thread.

I appreciate your help with this.

Now let me go wash the bad taste out of my mouth.






And, you can vote for each song once a day.

So, feel free to go back and take a minute for me the next couple of days.

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Will you send me your doggy bag from that swanky restaraunt if I pledge my vote?


I can't promise that I'll have any leftovers, but I can give you my name to drop at the door, if you go. (Remember, I have 2 good friends there -- one is the GM, and the other is the chef.)



And thanks to any of you who may have voted already.

This is Chicago! Vote again!!!

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