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All I really know from him is "Going Down to Liverpool" (Bangles version) and "Walking on Sunshine". But, I figure if the guy can write 2 songs that damn good, he's gotta be capable of many more.


Anyone else know of any prime examples?

I would love to get some discussion of/love for Kimberly going on here.


Is there a good compilation available?


(Just found this live EP at his website:


Will DL it now and report back.

But I'd still love a tenner from a knowledgeable fan.)

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I know him mainly through his work in The Soft Boys with Robyn Hitchcock. He didn't really write for them, though, if I'm not mistaken.


I think you're right that The Soft Boys was mostly Robyn's baby.

But, as I said, those 2 songs that I've heard are pretty damn great examples of excellent pop songwriting.

And, so far, this EP is pretty good, but not spectacular. Although, maybe it'll grow on me. Definitely shows Hitchcock's influence on his writing more that The Katrina & The Waves tunes that I mentioned do.


EDIT: "Old Straight Track" is more pure pop/Katrina than other things on this thing so far, and is, therefore, jumping out at me as one of the better songs. (Although it could certainly fit into a Soft Boys record.)

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