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New technology predict which songs are hits

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Kinda creepy. Kinda cool.



Okay, not cool. But interesting.


I have to admit to uploading 2 songs to the site and one was "Platinum" status (8.7), the other was "Keep Trying" (4.4).


As a musician, it is cool to see (at least on a mathematical level) whether or not my song is a "hit". Won't change a damn thing about the way I write or perform, but it's cool nonetheless.


So maybe it is cool... like that.

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This reminds me of the track "Announcement" from Negativland's Escape From Noise album.


This announcement from the producers of this record contains important information for radio program directors and is not for broadcast.


The first cut on this record has been cross-format focused for airplay success.


As you well know, a record must break on radio in order to actually provide a living for the artists involved. Up until now, you've had to make these record-breaking decisions on your own, relying only on perplexing intangibilities, like taste and intuition. But now ... there's a better way.


The cut that follows is the product of newly developed compositional techniques based on state-of-the-art marketing analysis technology. This cut has been analytically designed to break on radio. And it will ... sooner ... or later.


For the station that breaks it first, the benefits are obvious: you lead the pack. Yes, no matter what share of this crazy market you do business in, no other release is going to satisfy your corporation's current idea of good radio like this one. On this cut we're working together, on the same wavelength, in scientific harmony.


But remember, this cut is constructed for multi-market breaking now. Don't waste valuable research with needless delay. We've done the hard work of ensuring your success -- the final step is up to you.


Special designer song follows in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ...

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