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CHIRP record fair - save your money and come to Chicago in April

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I know this is ridiculously early, but CHIRP has a record fair twice a year in Chicago. One is at Pitchfork, so if you don't go to Pitchfork you can't go to the record sale, but the better one is April 14 and 15 of 2012 at Plumbers Hall. So if you are thinking of a non-Wilco related trip to Chicago, this is the perfect weekend to come in. There are lots of vendors selling new and used records of all sorts, as well as DJ sets, local bands, and crafts.


I work with one of the vendors and we have tons of great stuff to sell this year. This is one week before Record Store Day, so save a little extra (or alot) of money and come on over and spend some more. There is a small entry fee that goes to CHIRP and plenty of merch to buy. whether you are interested in new, used, singles, LPs, or whatever.



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Bumping this thread, because the CHIRP record fair is the coming weekend. See this section of the CHIRP website for all the details including hotel accommedations, vendors, and other details. The vendor I work with has lots of great stuff this year and I am sure there will be a great variety of new and used LPs, singles, and other music type stuff from all the other vendors too. Don't miss this.



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