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Pierre Boulez -- RIP

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I spent one of the most-stimulating and enlightening evenings of music thanks to this man!

An "open rehearsal" of the Chicago Civic Orchestra (basically the CSO's minor league team), conducted by Boulez, playing a piece by Bartok.
Now, I am not much of a fan of Bortok's, nor of much "modern" classical-type music in general, but Boulez put on a clinic, literally.
He explained WHY he loved the piece that they were rehearsing/performing that night, and DEMONSTRATED why he loved it. While he was putting the orchestra through its paces, he broke down the piece and deconstructed it, explaining the composition to us neophytes and nonbelievers, and I would imagine, building a whole new appreciation for those who already knew the piece. A devastatingly charming and fiercely knowledgeable man, with passion to match.
I thank you, Maestro Boulez and hope that you get to meet and enjoy the company of your heroes in the afterlife. I would love to sit in on some of those conversations, some day.
Rest in peace.

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The article in the Trib today was very good.  Speaking of Bartok, that's what we are playing on the Classical and Beyond Show on the 23rd.


This is as much an end of an era story as any.  Boulez was an angry young composer back 60 years ago.  As the titanic figures of every genre pass, it is a sad day.



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