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Posts posted by holweger

  1. I can't believe no one has mentioned Townes Van Zandt yet. How about Marie, Tecumseh Valley or The Highway Kind.


    yep, I agree. "Marie" has to be one of the most depressing songs of all-time. The version I have, from the Be Here to Love me soundtrack, is a live solo acoustic performance. I think one of the reasons it is so sad is that it is so real....when you hear Townes sing that song, it sounds like a true story that actually happened to him.


    hmm...maybe that doesn't make any sense...not sure how to explain it. :)

  2. yeah, i'm pretty sure you & i are the only two people to talk about him besides the occassional newbie to him.


    Aw, c'mon guys!!! I'm always in on the Ike threads. :yes


    I've been a huge fan since Salesman & Racists came out...seen him live at 1st ave (numerous), the Entry, Turf Club, Kitty Kat Club (solo), and our band opened for him this summer at Station 4 (our 2nd show ever)

  3. In reference to the one that emailed a camera phone video to the kid AFTER she got busted (I believe that is the one in TN someone mentioned) or the Debra Lefarve case, I think the only downside is that you can pretty much only go downhill from there. If you're 14 and you nail a 20-something girl that looks like that, high school might be a disappointment.

  4. I was considering releasing an album later this year via cd baby, but perhaps that's not a good idea :unsure In reading through their information I think you, as an artist, can send them your cds and they will warehouse them for you. Maybe it's a problem coming from the artist/performer? That's pretty crappy if they simply burn the cds and then send them out. Was the cdr at least printed? I have this horrible vision of getting a cd in the mail that has been written on with sharpie.



    CD baby will pretty much sell whatever you (the artist) provide them with. I have a friend that bought some home recorded CDR's from some kids in Brazil (but for cheap, and I think he knew they were CDR's)


    We pick up our CD's today from the pressing plant, and definitely plan on setting up with CD Baby.

  5. Yeah, I write songs....I've got maybe 40-50 that I would consider 'finished' and dozens of throwaways and/or parts of songs.


    My bands first CD comes out in September. Western Fifth


    It's a 6 song EP, recored in a day and a half. We've started tracking on a couple songs for our second album, and have recorded demos for maybe 40 or so songs.


    I also have about 20 songs registered with ASCAP

  6. i was going with my friend but he's gonna be in San Fran now, so i may take my wife if i don't find someone else to go with me. she likes Eggs the times i've played it for her tho. i keep reminding her that he's hoT ;)


    i think our tix are in the front row even :w00t... Chris Koza is opening, he's pretty cool as well


    if your wife isn't interested, i'll gladly take that ticket. let me know. :cheers

  7. Setlist anyone......V?


    Here are some that they played for sure:


    Until you came along


    Ill Fated

    To call my own

    Looking forward to seeing you

    He's a Dick

    Won't be coming home


    Starman (Bowie)

    Revolution Blues (Neil Young)


    Plus a good number of new ones, including:





    Another Fine Day

    Beautiful Mind

    Cure for this


    there's more....just don't remember right now.

  8. I thought it was pretty obvious from the get go that Jeff was not playing this tour.


    It WAS obvious, that's what made it worse....the guy seemingly knew that Tweedy wasn't going to be there, but thought he would be so hilarious and original by calling out for him. Lame.

  9. The idiots who kept yelling for Tweedy at the beginning need to grow up/get a life. .


    The worst thing was that the dude (at least the loudest one that I saw) was at LEAST 45-50 years old. It's bad enough when drunk frat boys do that shit, but this guy was an epic tool.


    He had a big shit-eatin' grin on his face the whole time too, like he knew he was SO fucking funny and clever.

  10. OK, since no one else has said anything, I guess I'll start.


    I'm not much of a show reviewer, so I'll just say this: it fucking ruled.


    Plenty of great Smog moments, as well. They opened with "Until you came along" (one of my all-time favorite songs). I thought I heard some really bad chords coming out of Danny Murphy's amp (I was in the front row, right in front of him) and after a few moments confused looks, he grabbed the capo off of Kraig's guitar and put it on the second fret...he was tuned down a whole step. A few songs later, Murphy had to stop the song a few bars in because his amp quit working (I believe it was "to call my own", which he sang)

    A few other flubbed notes and false starts here and there, but it was all great.


    They had a keyboard player who I wasn't familiar with...they said his name, which I didn't get, and that he was from NYC. Jim Boquist also played and sang on a handful of tunes, and a girl who I also didn't know sang on a couple....and of course, the Horny Horns were in on a few songs.


    Don't have a setlist or anything, but they played all the expected "hits", plenty from the new album, and also rocked the shit outta Neil Young's "Revolution Blues"

  11. still gotta get a ticket



    Hey, I *might* be able to help you out....I'm on the guest list with a +1, but if my roommate doesn't make it back into town on time, and my other friend (who already has dibs as a backup) flakes out on me, it's yours. So don't hold your breath or anything....i'll give you a call this weekend if it opens up. :thumbup

  12. haha


    hopefully i can make a show soon! quit playing during the week at like midnight.



    yeah, really....weeknight shows kill me. oh well.....


    we were offered an opening slot for "say hi to your mom" and "dirty on purpose" for Saturday night at the Entry....but one of our guys is out of town. :hmm

  13. Speaking of Chicago, my band (from Minneapolis) is trying to get a show or two there. As of right now, we are playing in Eau Claire on Sept 20th, and Milwaukee on the 23rd...we'd like to play the 21st & 22nd in Chicago (Thursday & Friday) We've contacted a few clubs (including the Hideout) but haven't heard anything back as of yet. Anybody got any leads?


    Also, speaking of Ike Reilly, we opened for him in St Paul last month...we just started playing shows in May, and have so far played at the Terminal Bar, 400 Bar, Big V's and Station 4...and have shows booked at the 7th St Entry, Hexagon Bar & Turf Club in the near future.


    anyway, if anybody could point me in the direction of a good band and/or club to hook up with, that'd be great.....btw, we're not looking for a huge gig or anything. we'd be happy just getting gas money and some free drinks.


    you can check out some demo songs here: www.myspace.com/westernfifth


    Our EP will be out in early September




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