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Posts posted by willstafa24

  1. Okay, so everyone seems to enjoy the current version, in particular the Ashes one, but does anyone like the no-holes barred, wa-wa pedal, story telling, "city maps and handclaps" (take a moment to do it), 10 minute rock anthem version? I will say that i love the recklessness of the earlier versions.

  2. Beautiful people, thank you. The Wilco cover of Ripple with Phil is not very good, although I do love Phil after the song when he says, "Wilco, ladies and gentleman", he sounds like such a goof. I love Hippo's suggestion. Just the thought blows my mind. What about an encore? It would have to be a Wilco type encore with six or seven songs. I'm thinking something like:


    1. Red, Eyed and Blue > I Got You > Bertha > Greatest Story Ever Told

    2. The Mighty Quinn

    3. Kingpin (late 90's version) > Goin Down the Road > ELT > Outta Site

  3. I have a buddy who is an adamant Grateful Dead fan and is somewhat new to Wilco. I was thinking of putting together a compilation of live songs both Grateful Dead and Wilco. I'm curious to see what you guys think. I would love to put together a setlist of great live versions of each band's best songs. If anyone has a specific show that showed a great version of the songs that would be fantastic.


    This is what I've got so far.


    1. Someday Soon 2-18-97

    2. Me and My Uncle 12-11-69

    3. Forget the Flowers 2-15-97

    4. Promised Land 3-28-73

  4. I go through a process when listening to a new Wilco album: I first listen to it on nice surround sound speakers in a small room. Then I listen to it while driving around. Finally, and this is the kicker, I listen to it straight through with headphones on and no distractions. With that said, I am in love with this album. Intricacies in every song, the baroque style drums in deeper down, the hypnotic spiders keys in Bull Black Nova. Tweedy's best songwriting and singing in a long time. It is a happy, loving album and I, for one, am happy and in love with this album.

  5. I want my Kingpin back please. I miss it so much. I want my ten minute song back. I want the wa wa pedal back. I want to be a big wig. I want to hear stories of hippies with dogs and dogs with hippies. I want a guitar solo where Nels ignores the other members of the band and just jams out. I want to be your, Kinping, Baby!!!!!!!


    From now on any Wilco show that I download with the current version of Kingpin on it will be replaced with a 1997-1999 version. Who's with me?





    Video removed



  6. Thanks for the info Froggie. I thought the poster knew of a recording of ALTWYS playing into LC playing into Spiders. Maybe one day.... :ermm



    Yeah, that would be cool. I did get a little ahead of myself, however, wilcobase does have the band playing those three songs during three shows towards the end of the '03 run. They're not in order but it seems as close as it's going to get. One of those shows, 6-28-03 from Penn's Landing in Philly is one of my favorite Wilco shows. (Could be what spurred this topic on for me)

  7. This song has always blown me away, whether it is Tweedy playing it solo, Wilco themselves or with Loose Fur. Hell The Minus 5 even played it. The one group that hasn't played it is the current lineup, and with the way the band has been playing their entire catalog lately I am surprised that they haven't even attempted this song. It's time for Tweedy and Co. to start giving me a thirty minute At least that's... > Laminated Cat > Spiders so that my mind can be fully blown.

  8. It hasn't changed hugely from the record, just grooves a little more freely I think. It's pretty hard to take your eyes of Glenn for this one.


    Radio Cure was sounding great too.


    Glad to hear it has more of a groove. The studio version was too choppy. Every time I start banging my hands on the steering wheel in anticipation of an intense build-up, the rhythm stops and kills the momentum. I do, however, believe that Wilco will change the song for the better.

  9. If you could make your own ultimate wilco setlist for the band to play what would it be?




    1. Someday Soon

    2. Forget the Flowers

    3. Summerteeth

    4. Shouldn't be Ashamed

    5. War on War

    6. Company in my Back

    7. You are My Face

    8. Pot Kettle Black

    9. Impossible Germany

    10. How to Fight Loneliness>

    11. Not for the Season

    12. Poor Places>

    13. Reservations>

    14. Side with the Seeds

    15. ITMWLY (Must have Horns)

    16. Handshake Drugs (Early version, circa 2003)


    Encore 1:

    17. Kingpin (circa 1997 version)

    18. Red Eyed and Blue>

    19. I Got You>

    20. Someone Elses Song

    21. California Stars

    22. At my Window Sad and Lonely


    Encore 2:

    23. ALTWYS

    24. Ashes of American Flags

    25. In a Future Age>

    26. Spiders (Kidsmoke)

  10. It's crazy to read all these thoughts: the favorite songs lyrically, the favorite lines, favorite album for lyrics, opinions on Jeff, people's opinions. I brought this topic up because I go way back to Uncle Tupelo and I've seen an evolution in lyrics from each album. I am twenty-four but my father loves Uncle Tupelo as well as Wilco and Son Volt. He even likes The Bottle Rockets! So, I started listening to "A.M.", "Trace" and "No Depression" at the same time in 1995. I instantly fell in love with all of them. As a result, I have listened to all the Wilco albums throughout the bands trek across rock 'n roll, and have found that with each album's change in musical style, so has the lyrics. There's the straightforwardness of "A.M". (a rushed album), to the incredibly disjointed lyrics (as well as musically; sounds like three albums in one) on "Being There", to the obscure imagination of the lyrics on Summerteeth, to the heartfelt metaphors on "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot", to the bipolar lyrics of "A Ghost is Born" to, finally, the brutally honest lyrics of "Sky Blue Sky". Wilco changes it's music from album to album, which has helped keep to band together for twelve years, but they also change the lyrics. The obscurity of some lyrics adds a bit of a relief to the more straightforward songs. "Sky Blue Sky", for example, helps Wilco fans to trust the band, to see them naked for a moment instead of behind a see-through curtain. I always listen to the lyrics of Wilco, which is why there is such a following now. They are a favorite band because I receive two elements from them: the music and the lyrics at the same time. That requires a great deal of attention and, as a result, allows me the hear every element of the song. Nothing is on the surface. Lyrically and musically there hasn't been a band this diverse since The Grateful Dead, prior to Jerry' Garcia's coma. Trey Anastasio doesn't think lyrics are even close-to-as important as the music, but he is wrong. Every band or artist has the opportunity to enhance music and lyrics together but very few of them accomplish it. Finally, if anyone has read this far or even cares, my favorite Wilco song is War on War because the lyrics scare the crap out of me and the song has a distinct beginning, middle and end; similar to the life it discusses.

  11. Only with SBS, really. Many have critiqued these as his weakest lyrics, but as has been said, they're just more straight forward.


    Anyway, I have read many more articles in praise of Jeff's songwriting than the opposite. He is often cited as one of the best songwriters of hs generation, so I'm not sure what articles you're talking about.



    Well, I have read the Rolling Stone review, and it reads, "After a hundred listens or so, you start to notice that even the lyrics, not always a Wilco specialty, are pretty excellent", which I know is some form of a complement, but is actually an insult in the fact that a "hundred" listens is what it needs to appreciate the lyrics. I'm sure that most of these critics are saying that relative to the music the lyrics are "sub-par" but to the common reader the interpretation is that Wilco's lyrics are not a strong suit, and I really dislike this style.

  12. I've read a great deal of reviews of Wilco as a band over the years and have noticed that a bunch of reviewers have said that Tweedy's lyrics are not one of the band's strong suits. I wonder about these opinions because I happen to think that it is actually a Tweedy strong suit. I think we all know that Tweedy does not feel entirely comfortable performing solos by himself (a reason why a guitar player like Nels is in the band), so, as a result, Tweedy spends a good amount of time writing lyrics. I have always felt that Wilco has had fantastic lyrics; words that aren't so straight-forward:


    "All I can see is black and white

    And white and pink with blades of blue

    That lay between the words I think on a page

    I was meaning to send to

    You I couldn't tell if it'd bring my heart

    The way I wanted when I started

    Writing this letter to you"


    I think these are my favorite Wilco lyrics because of the fluidity they provide. Tweedy does not use the traditional last word of one line rhymes with the next lines' last word. the word "pink" rhymes with the word "think" in the next line. Furthermore, just reading them does not give them justice. The transition between "to send to... You I couldn't tell..." is fantastic. In the context of the song there is a perfect transition between the two lines. I am tired of critics saying that Wilco's weak point is their lyrics. I happen to believe that without these creative lyrics the music would not carry the weight it currently does.

  13. I was just listening to the 9-30-04 show from Burlington, VT I attended and I finally came across the last song which just so happened to be "not so fearful". I got to thinking that Tweedy really respects Bill Fay and, subsequently so do I, yet I've never heard Fay's version. This may be a reach but I was wondering if anyone has or knows where I can get a copy of Bill Fay's original version of "Be not so fearful"?

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