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Posts posted by SlowBurn68

  1. So much love - Waiting For Columbus is such a great live album. Wilco needs a horn section (for live shows only).


    Disc 4 of this box-set is called "Studio Artifacts" and has 25 outtakes and studio cuts that are worth the price alone. Studio demos of Rat-faced dog, and Lightning-rod man (at the Factory 1966) almost makes me want to go out and score some smack (JK).


    Zappa always seemed to be a talent magnet.

  2. Hmm. Story didn't mention she was married to C.J. Hunter, medal-winning shot putter who also was disgraced in a steroids controversy. C.J. was a year behind me in high school.


    Wow - It runs in the family. Incredable...

  3. I don't get what the hearings are going to accomplish tho. The whole point of hiring mercenaries is sidestepping accountability. It seems they are looking for a way to take the moral high ground while still writing checks. If they want them accountable have them join the army.


    I couldn't agree more.

  4. Vanity Fair has had a number of articles on these guys. Terrifying really. Regular soldiers are quiting the military when they can to join them because the money is way better and they don't get killed with the frequency of the regular army -- equipment and security is way better.


    What happened to the "just" war?


    Edit: One of the articles on mercenary companies



    Thanks for the post Edie - I didn't catch that one.

  5. Fuck theses people! They are nothing more than war profiteers lead by another evangelical nut case. If I hear of any Blackwater personnel getting smoked over in Iraq, I could care less.


    The Bush administration's ties to Blackwater:



    Darrell Issa to Henry Waxman: Investigate Blackwater and Die:



    Blackwater Manager Earns More Than Double General Petraeus:


  6. The Dalai Lama's Message to the People of Burma:


    I extend my support and solidarity with the recent peaceful movement for democracy in Burma. I fully support their call for freedom and democracy and take this opportunity to appeal to freedom-loving people all over the world to support such non-violent movements. Moreover, I wish to convey my sincere appreciation and admiration to the large number of fellow Buddhists monks for advocating democracy and freedom in Burma.


    As a Buddhist monk, I am appealing to the members of the military regime who believe in Buddhism to act in accordance with the sacred dharma in the spirit of compassion and non-violence.


    I pray for the success of this peaceful movement and the early release of fellow Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.


    Tenzin Gyatso

    September 23, 2007



  7. The most disturbing thing about all the hoopla surrounding his visit is seeing how ignorant most of America is when it comes to Iran, its politics and it culture, and even worse, the American media. I am by no means a scholar of Iranian culture, but ever since the war drums started pounding in the White House a few weeks ago, I have been reading as much about Iran as I can. The way the president and the white house speak about Iran, and the way the media continues to blindly take what they say about Iran as fact (SEE: Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes last night, he should be fired!) its Iraq all over again.

    The ironic thing about the coverage of Ahmadinejad is that he is basically the Iranian version of george W: a right wing president, not very popular in his own country at the moment, apparently not too well educated (see Holocaust comments) who was elected because the Iranian people thought the hardliners could give them better homeland security. The Iranians traditionally (well, since the Islamic revolution) vote for more moderate canidates. Why did they feel they needed better homeland security? George Bush's including Iran in his "Axis of Evil" speech, the war in Iraq on one border, and the Pakistani's with the nuclear bomb on another...and they have the audacity to want nuclear capacity! And on top of everything I keep hearing the word "dictator" attached to Ahmadinejad, which is ridiculous because he is almost essentially powerless, since the clerics can override any decision he makes...what a fucked up world we live in!



    Well said. Also 70% of Iran's population is under 30 years of age, and actually like us.

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