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Posts posted by tennisclay

  1. I doubt it actually - they sold out their last Chicago performance and Alligator was a pretty big album. I bet they'll do just fine at the Metro. No word on who is supporting for these shows yet.

    they played double door last sold out and had a big crowd at Pfork fest

  2. ^^ yeah, that youthful energy and exhuberance is definitely not as evident on NB. this is a pretty mature record for a band that's been around as short as them.


    i guess for me, as much as i love NB, i wish there was just a song or two (besides No Cars Go, which is an old song obvs), with the energy and heavyness of Power Out or Laika (not my 2 fave songs on Funeral, but still 2 of their highest energy songs to date, especially live). i think the acoustic/rootsyness of the new record probably contributes to a good deal of that however.


    thats whats missing for me an energy or power song(s). i dont want to sound like the guy from the somb board, but there is a little bit of an adult cont. feel to it.

  3. so im home now. i left around 5. I was interested in seeing Walkmen & Ted Leo, but I was getting pretty tired from the heat. Im gonna be there all day tomorow because i want to see almost all the bands. Im not a wuss I work outside everyday in the summer for over 8 hours, just knew if i wanted to be there all day tomorrow and still work Monday I was gonna have to make a sacrifice.

  4. From what I have gathered Lollapalooza acts aren't allowed to play shows in our around Chicago for two months prior and two months after the festival so chances are no, no Wilco in Chicago until Fall (except for Lolla and Conan of course).



    Theres always Summerfest.

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