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Posts posted by Conrad

  1. Got my tickets in the mail.. really looking forward to this. This'll be my first non-festival Wilco show, saw them at Outside Lands last year and they were great but the show was way too short..

  2. well, for starters I don't know what cellphone interference thru a pickup is supposed to sound like... but if you're talking about the *tiny* blip in the left channel at 2:28, doesn't that sound come back (louder) at the 2:34-2:49 mark? Seems like intentional noise to me...


    Don't know if it's through a pickup. But here is an example of a classic cellphone interference noise, and the beginning of this is what I'm hearing in BBN: http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=35813

  3. Does it have the cellphone interference at 2:29 in Bull Black Nova?


    Yup, it has it! Yikes. It's not loud but you can hear it clearly with good speakers.


    I can't believe they missed that.

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