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Posts posted by Pocahontas

  1. No, we're in reserved left (Nels), a couple rows back. Are you guys going to be there for Bon Iver (opening act)?

    I don't think so, we are going to meet some friends from Ohio at the Elbow Room, we should be there around 6:00 p.m. if anyone is interested in meeting up for a drink before the show.

  2. We'll be there but probably without much time to spare before the show. I'm always up for a cold beer post-Wilco.

    Hey Happening where are you sitting, are you in general admission?

  3. Again, I'm no expert, but I think you need a ct or xray (not sure the correct way to say it) guided injection. If your pain mgmt doc doesn't do that, find another doctor.

    That is the type of epidural I had and it did nothing, there has to be something more going on than a nerve thing.

  4. Latest update on the epidural I had, the damn thing did not work in fact caused some of the symptoms I was experincing at the begining come back. Numbness in the legs and tingling and the back is hurting more and pain in both hips. Went to Pain Management doctor today, he asked if I was ready for surgery? I told him I thought we were going to try a myelogram CT next and he said that would be a good idea. I am going back to the neurosurgeon to have this procedure done.

  5. When I was in HS, there was no Sex Ed what so ever - and, there is probably not now, either. They do, however, have a bible class there.

    I was actually pregnant for my first child when I started sex ed and our teacher looked at me and another girl who was pregnant and said well I don't think you two need this class, oh ha ha. My mother would not even say the word sex let alone talk to us about it. She handed me some red books called the Cycle of Life that she received when she had my brother, I guess that is how we were to learn about it.


    I never could go to her and tell her I was sexually active she would have slapped me into next year, and would have made me go to confession. So I have always been open with my children, we have told them if they are sexually active or they think the might want to have sex, they could come to us so we could get the protection they need.


    Two of my three children to not even want to have kids, and the one who does has a semester left in college and a career to find before she has one.

  6. Funny, if those girls were a few years older, people would think this idea was kind of sweet. (really stretching to find a silver lining here) :lol


    I was traveling with my family this weekend and we drove through a town in our state that is going through some very rough times, economically. And my wife and I were astounded, sitting at a stoplight and watching 3 or 4 girls who couldn't have been more than 15 pushing strollers across the street. I don't know how they do it. I mean, my wife and I have a rather large family at a young age (4 kids and we're in our early 30s) and we are both well educated and employed and, even so, we constantly feel like we're struggling to keep our heads above water. The cost of living in this country has skyrocketed, in general, and I saw these girls and looked around and just thought, wow--I mean, they're still kids themselves, no education, living in a town where jobs are scarce, and now you have this little tiny person to provide for, as well. I can't imagine the weight of that responsibility.

    Wow it sounds like you drove right through our town. Any given moment of the day if it is nice out you will see girl after girl pushing strollers downtown. I just worry about the babies, will they be raised to be a good person or will their parents raise them to continue the cycle of teen pregnancy, quitting school and being a menace to society. The sad part is there are no jobs so these girls have to go on welfare, so it will be like we are helping to raise them with no say in how they will come out.

  7. Back in high school my hair was like Bon Jovi's. I used massive cans of Aqua net to get the top of my hair to stand up. I had some boys that were in a local rock band at the time so jealous of my hair.

  8. I was not put under either, they gave me something to relax, didn't feel much in the back. I am now very sore mainly on the right side down and very stiff. I have taken 4 hydros and 1 flexeril since I got home at 2:00 p.m. I will not know if it worked for a few days I am sure.

  9. That blows. Mine have always been done under anesthesia, and with x-ray help for the doctor, minimizing the chance of missing the right spot. I guess I thought this was the norm.

    Well Jules after reading Smokestack Joe's comment, now you know why I think it my hurt. Wow that was crazy what happened with his epidural. Well by this time tomorrow I guess I will know weather or not it does hurt, but I am having it done like you under anesthetic.

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