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Posts posted by OCP003

  1. I'll tell you one band, and drummer, that make DMB and carter look like a child is that DREAM THEATER group. All of those guys are musicians on steroids. Not to mention, Mike Portnoy is always in the top 3 drummers on every list i've seen, and it shows. Not a big fan of their music, but man, they are ridiculous.


    Before These Crowded Streets is one of the top 5 albums of the nineties, and Under The Table And Dreaming and Crash are both fantastic records.



    Top 5 albums in the nineties...., that's a pretty steep comment. :ermm

  2. are you serious? Have you even watched/listened to either of them play? They are two of the most talented drummers playing right now. Their bands would definitely not be as good without either. Once Umphrey's got Kris, they got much better. They're both incredible. Listening to a live version of Two Step or Tripping Billies by Dave Matthews Band and pretty much any song by Umphrey's and you'll see what I mean.



    I followed dave matthews back in high school (just like everyone else in the world) and have seen them live plenty of times. I've seen UM a good bit live too. I know all about them. They are talented, but not even close man...sorry. This is coming from someone who works in music, has seen hundreds of shows, and a musician as well. Plenty of better drummers out there than these two.

  3. Danny Carey

    Mike Portnoy

    Terry Bozzio

    Dennis Chambers

    and of course, Peart are the top right now...but I'll let you in on a little somethin' somethin'



    TONY ROYSTER JR. He's only 21 right now...but will easily be the best ever. Go ahead, YOUTUBE him...watch his solo when he was 12.

  4. The legendary George Carlin once said



    "I need this like I need an infected scrotum" meaning...


    "Wilco needs Jay like they need an infected scrotum"




    p.s HUUUUUUUGE PROPS TO WHOMEVER QUOTED Skee-Lo's "I Wish". It's soooo on my Zune Player! :thumbup

  5. Do what the title says! If you don't have any current guilty pleasures now,

    were there any awful bands or songs you dug when you were a kid, but now are really

    ashamed that you actually listened to it? It should be interesting. Ready....set....go!!!




    I'll start and break the ice:


    I don't know why, but I can't stop listening to Richboy's "Throw Some D's On It"....

    I absolutely hate rap, but I like the beat in this song. :mellow


    (ducks and runs for cover)

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