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Posts posted by BobsRevenge

  1. 1. The Low End Theory - A Tribe Called Quest

    2. Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde - The Pharcyde

    3. Resurrection - Common

    4. Hard to Earn - Gang Starr

    5. 3 Feet High and Rising - De La Soul

    6. Midnight Marauders - A Tribe Called Quest

    7. People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm - A Tribe Called Quest

    8. Labcabincalifornia - The Pharcyde

    9. No More Mr. Nice Guy - Gang Starr

    10. New World Order - Poor Righteous Teachers


    edit: I just realised that I was the first person to mention Gang Starr and... I'm pretty sure The Pharcyde too.


    What's up with that? I can understand The Pharcyde, but Gang Starr has been a presence for so long and DJ Premier is a god.

  2. :yes

    And all this talk about it not being easy to get into and not for casual listening is code for it "this album will sounds like shit."

    I can't listen to ATD-I (too emo for my taste), but I find TMV's music absolutely hypnotic.


    And believe me, once TMV clicks (assuming it ever does, and it does with most people who give it the chance) you won't be able to stop listening.

  3. Now I'm really confused...

    De-Loused is their best starter. Stop being confused. Frances has a 43 minute song on it, are you ready for that? De-Loused is in general groovier and less avant-garde.


    Their new album (september 12th) is probably going to be a good starter too.


    But get De-Loused. I wouldn't necessarily buy it, because its not that easy to get into at first and some people never end up liking it.


    You can always check out their myspace for a taste of their old and newer stuff, but just keep in mind that's not their best stuff.


    edit: http://youtube.com/watch?v=izNdWGTsBiE


    Some people have music videos for their other songs too. This one is stupid though, don't actually bother watching it.

  4. I've gotten bored of their albums but they are phenomenal live. The two live cds don't do justice to actually being there.

    I've been a huge fan for a while now, but between college (I go to school as far into nowhere as you can get in Virginia) and random crap happening I haven't been able to actually see them! Same with Wilco, it's horrible. I'm hoping to catch them in the tour they are doing after the one they are on right now with RHCP though. I don't care how hard its going to be, its happening. I'm really excited to see their new drummer.

  5. Wilco and The Mars Volta have been my two favorite bands going for a year now without my ever being able to pick one.


    It isn't so much that, but they are almost on opposite sides of the rock spectrum. Wilco creates pop and rock tunes with very human and genuine lyrics while The Mars Volta creates progressive rock songs with tons of complexity and lyrics that are abstract and extremely open to interpretation.




    I was curious if anyone else here liked The Mars Volta at all.

  6. Musically I love the new songs, but the lyrics are definitely less interesting. I haven't tried dissecting Impossible Germany in earnest yet, but I love the that orgasmic riff. One thing I have a feeling I'll miss more than anything is Tweedy's solos from AGIB, which rank among my favorite ever. I noticed that Cline is actually helping out with them on some live sets which I find a little annoying. What Light is a freaking amazing song musically and I like the lyrics a lot too. Uplifting in a way that Wilco pretty much never is. I'm really loving these new songs (all of them), but not in the same way I loved YHF or AGIB.


    I hope that Tweedy is saving his best lyrics for the album (I became obsessed with Wilco in 2004, so this is the first album that I'm following the development of, so I'm not aware of how his other albums developed as far as lyrics from the songs he road tested).

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