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Beatle Bob

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Everything posted by Beatle Bob

  1. They tell me I look sort of like this guy. Sweet.
  2. An imaginary thread that goes nowhere is the same as a real thread that goes somewhere. Double Negatives. Look it up.
  3. I'm so glad you showed up!!!! I've been dying to meet you. I'm sorry about those mean comments JT (Justin Timberlake, not Jeff Tweedy) said about you. Next up on my wishlist are the swedish person and one of the many thax douglases
  4. This thread is for all the fake people on VC. Please don't post if you are a real person. Hopefully we can get some good imaginary discussions going on. I need to go do some bad dancing, ill be right back.
  5. cmoe on guys, i am just a normal guy trying to enjoy the bands that i love in my own way. I do this by dancing enthusiesticaly and getting in my own "groove zone". contrary to what some people say i dont knock around into people or anything like that, especially since the bands always put me on the backstage guest list where there are not many people to bump into anyway. obviously the bands enjoy a fan like me who is clearly totally in love with just the music and willing to let loose. why else would i be let on stage? have you been let on stage? i dont understand how you enjoy concerts les
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