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Posts posted by droe77

  1. I think its a little unfair that, since Nels has the ability to "shred", he gets the distinction from some as not being feel-oriented guitarist. That bothers me because the guy pours his heart into the music and plays with tons of feeling. Just the ability to rip it up doesn't detract from the soul he puts into it.


    Amen to that...


    Look no further than his solo at the end of Ashes of American Flags during his first Austin City Limits performance with the band...



  2. Hey folks. Looking for VC'ers in the Ann Arbor area to fill me in on what's good.


    I'm packing up the fam after 5 years in NC and we're headed up to Ann Arbor for a new opportunity, new start, etc.


    I've been dowtown a few times, loved it of course, hence the move. We've found a home in SE Ann Arbor, but I could use a primer on the town, where to go for a good beer, good grub, good show, etc. from any natives who may read this.


    Thanks in advance.



  3. I have to say, this thread is unnerving. :realmad


    For cripe's sake people, you're complaining about something given to you by a band who has streamed their last two albums for free, streamed the entire DVD for free, has a roadcase on their website...for free, and lets us tape and trade their shows...FOR FREE!


    I'd be willing to bet, given all the other cool stuff they do for us, that the folks at HQ aren't exactly thrilled that folks are now or were at any point having difficulties.


    Chill out, be patient and have some faith in this band who takes care of their fans.

  4. I've heard stuff from Mermaid at a couple of local Starbucks.


    I heard My Flying Saucer while shopping with my daughter in Toys 'R Us this weekend. I was excited, she didn't quite have a clue, but hey, I'm just hoping her little 4 month old brain could see how excited (yet puzzled) daddy was when the music came on.


    :blink :dancing

  5. Wow...good stuff. Seemed a bit short to me, but awesome anyway. I think it was really cool that 1) folks with GA tickets were allowed up front and 2) those with GA tickets were cool enough to sit so those of us in the seats could see :D


    Too tired to attempt a setlist, but my personal higlights were Blasting Fonda and Can't keep from talkin'.


    Great show!!!



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