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Everything posted by raveller

  1. raveller


    My ACL show pics (about half of which are Wilco pics): http://www.flickr.com/photos/raveller/sets...57602100189051/ Freakin' ban list had "detachable lens" on it so I left the telephoto at home. I'm a moron: they barely searched our bags and I saw 5 zillion (ok 3-4) detachable lens camera running around without press passes. The screen shots are pretty neat though sort of stealing the videographers work though.
  2. Well, both me and my sister (who was there with me) have downloaded it now, so Chad can kill the download in good conscience if he so desires. I personally really appreciate the effort. I've been trying to pull the tracks off BitTorrent since I finally found it in May. Like I said we were standing next to the guy making the recording and simply missed it when it first came up. I'll have some pictures from the ACL show up on my flickr site soon... Here's stuff from the past: Cell pics of Jeff from the Tulsa show http://www.flickr.com/photos/raveller/sets...57594537797461/ Wilco P
  3. I had a good time, but I was second row center (across the aisle from the guy recording this). And yeah, cabin fever was driving us all a little crazy. So I'm probably the "Frat Boy" you heard yelling incessantly on the recording. I'm not the one he challenged to a fight, though. Anyway the banter makes the live show and I almost think he's not at his best banter-wise if he's not a little pissed off. Thanks for the expeditious download. I apologize for the violation of bootleg etiquette, etc., but I'd had the stupid Torrent sitting in my download list for something like 4 months.
  4. The Torrent went stale on me in the middle of download a few months ago and it's been driving me nuts. Also: Just saw the Wilco at the ACL Fest. Awesome per the usual.
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