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Posts posted by honestgabe

  1. What happened to that DVD? Was the footage that Sam Jones shot that bad? I saw the Kicking Television clip and it looked decent...maybe one day they'll put it out

  2. Phonograph Article


    Anyone know about this band? I just read this article and had to check them out. Went to their website and their label site has two songs uploaded. I can hear the Wilco comparisions..only that the verse on the first song is a slight rip of "I'm The Man Who Loves You" and the riff in the second song reminds me of the one in "At Least Thats What You Said"


    But besides that it sounds pretty decent. I'll have to check out the rest of their stuff to really make a conclusion.


    But I don't think they've taken alt-country to new levels, heh. Its not any different than what the Beachwood Sparks did

  3. Velvet Underground weren't part of the Punk/Post punk wave, since they broke up waaay before that happened...they were certainly influential as were Lou Reed and John Cale, former members of VU.


    I watched it last night on the webcast and it was great to see her accept the award. Shes wonderful, Horses is an incredible album. Zack de la Rocha's induction speech was great and highlighted why she is incredibly important.

  4. You have to try to get dumped like I did. It doesn't just happen over night.

    Put some effort into it


    Ha, I was just dumped 3 weeks ago I think. Well it was less than a week after Valentine's Day, so whenever that was. But yeah, this is a good break up album. When I listen to Sky Blue Sky it hits me. But I'm doing fine, because she left me for some scummy kid who has nothing going for himself.

  5. Is it just me or is there a Big Star influence on this record?


    Yeah man I hear it. Especially on Walken, it sounds like a rck and roll romp done Big Star style. IMO anyway, lol.


    I've listened through it about 4 times now and I love it. You can hear so many different influences. Anybody get a Bob Dylan "Blood On The Tracks" vibe from "What Light"?

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