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Posts posted by IrishMickyWard

  1. more dates up on Wilcoworld ...









    NOV-14 TILBURG, NL 013

  2. check the download sites (etree,dimeadozen,etc...) . over the past couple years there have been a lot of new early wilco sbd's put online/uploaded (most from 1999, 2000, & 2001). if not still being "seeded" - they probably can be found on Owl & Bear ( :worship )- if not now - in the near future.

  3. >>>


    i did not yet completely read the replies to my photo rant, but judging by the length of the subsequent posts i probably should not post after drinking beer (or several beers) ... :cheers


    - i did not mean to make a personal attack - not my intention. i am certain the photographers are all good people. i apologize.

    - i have also never read pre-fix magazine so i should not have commented on it's validity as a news outlet. sorry about that.

    - i also know that taking good photos requires more than nice gear - skill, dedication, a good eye, etc... (all categories which i am lacking)

    - sorry to swear - my mom would not be proud

    - calling anybody a 'yahoo' is usually uncalled for. again sorry.

    - thank you for explaining the function of the watermark. i prefer to view photos without them, but now understand why they are needed.


    i am pretty sure i will never like the sound of camera shutters firing away during the quiet moments at the beginning of a Jeff solo show (especially during the almost silent parts of a song like Sunken Treasure), but i realize the need for photos. and of course this only holds true for Jeff solo - when the full band plays this has never been an issue.


    again sorry for the 'harsh' nature of the post. beer & vicodin (bad back) seem to make me a mean spirited person- especially when i am sitting behind a computer late at night. i think it's time to go back to simply 'lurking' here on VC since i mainly visit this site to check setlists. and with the advent of the new blog "I Got Your Setlist Right Here..." i see fewer trips to VC in the future - thus i will not be able to cause any further acrimony.


    signing out - going silent on all fronts ... :ninja


    [[[[[ and by the way - that is a pretty killer photo ( "nailed it" ) ]]]]]

  4. Had a great time in Portland. I also shot the show for Prefix: http://www.prefixmag...tre-in-portlan/[/color][/size]

    You can also see some much higher-res shots in my gallery at http://www.jsarnerph...16398920_4YAgF/




    thanks for the watermark on that photo. i was planning on stealing it and selling it to the masses. :hmm


    i was sitting up front in portland and have to admit was totally annoyed by the multiple photographers who were shooting the first few songs of this show. as we know jeff solo shows are quiet intimate affairs and to have the first few songs marred by constant shutter clicks simply takes away from the music. not to mention the photographers jockeying for position, blocking the view of people who paid good money for their tickets. i am surprised jeff puts up with this bullsh*t. anyone can go buy an expensive camera and quality lens and make mint photos, but what the point? are we not there to listen to music? i had to ask one photographer repeatedly to move away from my seat - only to be shown a photo pass and plenty of attitude. some photographers know how to work a show 'invisibly' - the photo crew in portland did not.


    do you really need multiple photographers for each show to take the same exact picture over and over? is getting another JT photo more important than the music which he is creating? i do not know who is actually in charge of doling out these passes, but are these photographers vetted? it seems anyone 'yahoo' who claims to be a photographer gets a photo pass. prefix magazine.... really? i can understand a real news outlet (local newspaper, etc...) wanting to get a shot for a review, but photo passes for a glorified blog.... please.

  5. this show was multi-tracked by a local engineer in a mobile recording truck for a 1 hour radio broadcast. it is nice to see that the entire show was broadcast.


    (((((( now where is all the video and audio that VH1 recorded in Florence, MA a few years ago....? )))))

  6. I was at the show in Clearwater. What a great show - a cool spaceship-esque venue and a band absolutely on fire. But something else really stood out tonight - there were no cameras or Iphones dangling in the air snapping bad photos one after another. It was so nice just to watch the band and not have 'the jackass' in front of me holding up his blackberry capturing footage.


    I missed the beginning, but was told there was an announcement read at the beginning of the show twice stating - no photography. None at all. Security was on the detail and people got the picture real fast after a few people were escorted out of the concert hall. There was this one woman up front who despite being asked not to ... was shooting flip video. Jeff actually called her out from the stage as she had the camera stashed in the cleavage of her bra. I am totally serious.


    Thank you Wilco if this is a new policy. I think anybody who was there tonight would agree that they did not miss the sea of LCD's that have become a staple of concerts today. If it was a venue only policy - well then I would urge Wilco to continue camera ban. I would also like to thank the few Iphone/Blackberry/LCD camera photogs who ruined it for everyone else - you have made the concert experience more enjoyable.

  7. Sonny Liston Blues-- Let Freedom Ring '09

    Balinese Dancer-- Balinese Dancer '93

    Always a Friend-- recorded by Alejandro Escovedo / co-written by Chuck Prophet

    Storm Across the Sea-- No Other Love '02

    You've Been Gone>-- Homemade Blood '97

    Dyin' All Young-- The Hurting Business '00

    Hot Talk-- Let Freedom Ring '09

    Would You Love Me-- Soap and Water '07

    Doubter of Jesus-- Soap and Water '07

    Break the Seal-- Green on Red song

    Holding On-- Let Freedom Ring '09

    Let Freedom Ring-- Let Freedom Ring '09

    Summertime Thing (solo acoustic)-- No Other Love '02

    We Had It All (Walon Jennings cover)

    Tina Goodbye (Stephanie Finch song)

    Diamond Jim-- The Hurting Business '00

    You Did-- Age of Miracles '04


    Bangkok (Alex Chilton cover)

    For You (Bruce Springsteen cover)

  8. Simply blown away every time I see Chuck and his band, The Mission Express. The Lizard Lounge is a very cool basement room draped in maroon tapestries with beautiful oriental rugs covering the floor. Great small club atmosphere with a capacity just over 100. Excellent beer selection too....


    Chucks Prophet's set:



    Sonny Liston Blues

    Balinese Dancer

    Always a Friend

    Storm Across the Sea

    You've Been Gone>

    Dyin' All Young

    Hot Talk

    Would You Love Me

    Doubter of Jesus

    Break the Seal

    Holding On

    Let Freedom Ring

    Summertime Thing (solo acoustic)

    We Had It All (Walon Jennings cover)

    Tina Goodbye (Stephanie Finch song)

    Diamond Jim

    You Did


    Bangkok (Alex Chilton cover)

    For You (Bruce Springsteen cover)




    Want to see an amazing show for $15 ? Catch them while you can. New Haven 3/3 , Northampton 3/4 , Brooklyn 3/5 - then south.



  9. Slightly off topic: It should be noted that Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, Melissa Leo, & Amy Adams just began principal photography today in Lowell, MA for The Fighter.

    As some of you may know, the film is about Lowell's own Mickey Ward and his half-brother Dickie Ecklund. Both boxers.

    The film will be directed by David O'Russell.


    I mention this only because it did cross my mind that maybe one of these actors would be at the show. They've been in town allegedly for a little while.






    Ward v Gatti I - one of the best fights I have ever seen

  10. So does JT throw a strike or bounce it in ? Does he stand on the mound or on the grass in front ?

    I doubt the 'first pitch' will be shown on the broadcast which is too bad.


    I recently saw a clip of Mariah Carey throwing out a 'first pitch' and the ball went about 5 feet and bounced perfectly to home plate. I hate to say, but one of the best Bush moments: when he took the pitchers mound in Yankee Stadium right after 9/11 and threw a perfect strike with very good velocity while wearing a bullet proof vest. A major contrast to Kerry's unsuccessfull attempt at Fenway during his Presidential run.



    60' 6" - Let's see what you got Jeff.....







  11. if the garage that JT played in marfa,tx can handle online sales certainly this opera house can as well.


    i would not call these methods of ticket distribution 'grand'.

  12. (from Wilcobase.com)


    1. You Are My Face

    2. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart

    3. Pot Kettle Black

    4. Handshake Drugs

    5. A Shot In The Arm

    6. Side With The Seeds

    7. Via Chicago

    8. Impossible Germany

    9. Sky Blue Sky

    10. Too Far Apart

    11. Jesus, Etc.

    12. Hate It Here

    13. Walken

    14. I'm The Man Who Loves You

    15. Hummingbird

    16. On And On And On

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