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Posts posted by la*

  1. I need some book help.....I don't really read a lot of fiction, but at the end of the semester I would like to indulge in just one delicious, enjoyable read before I spend the bulk of my Christmas break studying.


    I am looking for something like Secret Life of Bees, Water For Elephants.....nothing too heavy, but I also don't want silly fluff......


    I am especially looking at Christy, Laura, Maudie and Brianne for help......




    On my shelf, I have The Time Traveler's Wife and The Glass Castle - both of which I know have gotten good reviews. Maybe one of those? Something else?



    Congrats on finishing your semester, Kate! I've read both Time Traveler's Wife and the Glass Castle. The Glass Castle is a memoir that can be a bit heavy at times so I don't think it's appropriate for right now. Time Traveler's Wife, on the other hand, would be a perfect treat for you. I loved it and I think you'd enjoy it.

  2. I need a good book. I'm in a fiction phase I think, and perhaps a Southern fiction phase. I'm Faulkner-ed and O'Conner-ed out for now, though. Something in the vein of Larry Brown, perhaps....


    How about The Moviegoer by Walker Percy? Or anything by Tony Earley-- Jim the Boy is great, and I also love Somehow Form a Family: Stories that are Mostly True. But I should clarify that I don't think Tony Earley is much like Larry Brown-- he's less gritty.


    I am now reading this:


  3. I thought Omnivore's Dilemma was excellent. In the same vein, I thought Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver was very, very powerful. She writes about many of Pollan's topics but in a more immediate way, since she and her family were spending a year eating only food they'd grown or purchased locally.


    I'd also recommend Marion Nestle's What to Eat.


    This whole topic fascinates me (and scares me..)

  4. Laura! Wonderful to see you! :cheekkiss


    As a reader, I tend toward fiction most of the time....but a well-written nonfiction is just as absorbing. By the way, that "The Blood of Strangers" you recommended awhile back was incredible!


    Go ahead and recommend whatever you have enjoyed. You have terrific taste in books. :yes I'll find myself a copy of "Water for Elephants". I've heard something about that one, too. I think my book club carries it.



    You had to know that the call for voracious readers would catch my attention. :blush


    Glad you loved "Blood of Strangers"! I know you liked Gawande's "Complications"-- perhaps you already heard that he has a new book called "Better: A Surgeon's Notes On Performance".


    As for nonfiction books about animals, I loved "A Book of Bees" by Sue Hubbell, and "Beauty of the Beastly: New Views on the Nature of Life" by Natalie Angier.

  5. I read both of these recently. The Chabon was really good, but didn't come close to Kavalier and Clay caliber for me. I liked the Powers book a lot. I'd not read him before.






    Next up I'm reading this:



  6. Great book - it's where I got my username. Midnight's Children is also very good, maybe even better than Satanic Verses.


    I went to an event last week at the Chicago Public Library last week that featured Salman Rushdie and Jonathan Lethem. They were supposed to be talking about "Process and Place" but they ended up just answering questions and talking about a range of things. It was wonderful. I'd never seen Rushdie speak before and he was very, very funny.


    Just finished this and really liked it:




    I'm now reading this and enjoying it thus far:



  7. I wanted to like the new album more than I actually do. I saw her play two small shows last month and it was great to hear the new songs live, yet the album just doesn't feel cohesive nor as powerful as her previous works to me.


    I'm also in the 'Living with Ghosts is the best album' camp, followed by 1000 Kisses. She has one of my favorite voices ever...:wub

  8. So did anybody from this board turn up at the show? It was a pretty nice crowd for a crappy Sunday night, a good 50 people or so. Wonderful time despite the idiotic sound guy.


    Mr. K.



    I was there!


    What a fantastic show-- they were so full of energy and the songs sounded great (despite guitar problems). Casey jumped into the audience to dance at one point! I particularly loved hearing "Back of the Lot", which sounds kind of quiet on the record, transformed into something so raucous.


    I think they said "This'll be our last song" at least six times.


    They didn't disappoint and I can't wait to see them again.

  9. I'm almost finished with Jim Knipfel's Slackjaw. In his twenties, he learned he had retinitis pigmentosa, but it's totally not "sick-lit."


    I LOVE that book! He is a great writer. Have you read his other memoirs? Quitting the Nairobi Trio is good, and Ruining it For Everybody is wonderful. I would highly recommend it! :cheers



  10. I read the new Lethem and liked it a lot, but it hasn't stayed with me the way his previous books have. The main female character reminded me of Mirabelle from Steve Martin's Shopgirl. The music content is interesting and I loved the scene where the band plays their first show.


    My favorite of his books remains Fortress of Solitude :wub


    Now reading for school:



  11. Finished this over the weekend:





    What did you think of it? I was so eager to read it because it got great reviews, but felt ultimately disappointed in it. Then again, I did find myself thinking about it later, so maybe it did get to me.


    I just finished this book. The title lured me in when I saw it on the new books shelf at the library. Pretty entertaining and pretty gross too!



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