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Everything posted by March16-20

  1. Great post! I agree with your thoughts on Country Song Upside Down. I feel the same say about Many Worlds. I'd buy the album just to hear the last 4 min of that song....over and over and over and over.
  2. I just listened to the album from start to finish and I''m honestly blown away. I didn't expect to love it. I thought I'd feel similar to the last few albums. I'd love some songs, skip others, lament about Jeff's love of dead guitar strings (yes, I still hear them on CC but it works for some reason), how it felt more like another Tweedy solo album, etc., etc. Most surprising is just how beautiful it is...I don't know if I've ever said that about a Wilco record.
  3. I like the last two Wilco albums, but feel like they should have just created one (possibly) great album with 10-12 songs. I say possibly, because I haven't been able to come up with the perfect sequence yet. Here is my initial thought: 1. EKG 2. Someone to Lose 3. Cry All Day 4. The Joke Explained 5. Magnetized 6. Normal American Kids 7. Random Name Generator 8. Happiness 9. You Satellite 10. Just Say Goodbye Ideas?
  4. Hi - Can anyone tell me what time Wilco has been going on during the 2016 tour? I tickets for the Brooklyn show, but coming from NJ so I need to figure how early I need to leave. Thx!
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