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Everything posted by pleasebepatient

  1. Thanks for all the support. It is truly appreciated and gratifying to connect with other fans like this. This thread kind of reminds me of a debate/argument that I had with a friend once about the effect and personal experience that music has on the listener and artist. We basically went back and forth about the fact that you can't make a list of the greatest bands ever because everyone's list would be different (just like a list in this forum of "best Wilco songs ever" would be different between each person). Anyway, we respectfully agreed to disagree. My stance was, and is, that I could
  2. Wow that was quick. Both good posts and thoughtless and mean-spirited ones. I never realized that all I have to do is connect with my children. Who'da thunk it? Problem solved. I mean, seriously? Check it out, I totally made a new paragraph. (The original post was missing paragraph breaks that have since been added) Whoa, there's another one! I think the reason the post came out the way it did was because it was more a stream of consciousness, straight from the heart type rant. I know it's hard to get through, just like what I (and obviously many other people) am going through right now.
  3. I've listened to Wilco since '95. I consider them my favorite band and I've been to many a show. I've enjoyed reading posts here and gathering info from the many informed Wilco fans from all over for quite a while. It wasn't until recently that I decided to register and post something. You see, I've recently been battling depression and I don't know why. I have a beautiful wife and two darling daughters (attached is a picture of the 8 month old for proof, cute huh?). I'm very fortunate, but I feel like I'm losing control sometimes even though there's no real reason to. I always feel guilty for
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