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Posts posted by WilcoOfTheDay

  1. This news just made my day - I'm so glad it's a cool host too! My March 1st will be centered around this. I'm hoping for Side with the Seeds and You are my Face (picking only from SBS material). They deserve to be in a skit or two. I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT!!!!!!

  2. i'm still sticking with:

    disposable dixie cup drinker

    i assasin down the avenue



    although, i have a new hankering for this one:

    i have no idea how this happens, all of my maps have been overthrown

    happenstance has changed my plans so many times my heart has been outgrown


    My 2 favorites also :thumbup

  3. I think it's fair to say that people's gripes with Ticketmaster *are* indicative of greater problems in the world, and nobody's going around saying, "Fuck Darfur, I WANT TICKETS TO WILCO!"


    People have a right to be angry when a special event comes along that they should have a reasonable chance of attending, and aren't able to because of corporate loopholes. And if people can't gripe about Wilco on a Wilco board, in the Wilco forum, AND they can't go to the shows, then they've really hit bottom, no?


    We shouldn't have to qualify 'It's Just That Simple BLOWS!' with, "But the Holocaust was worse."


    You're right, it's not the end of the world - it's just the Wilco forum.



    Right on, don't read the topic in the message board bothers you that much.

  4. I'm totally bummed...I was right there with everyone else when they went on sale and couldn't get anything. It happened to fall right on my birthday too. It sickens me to see how many are available on stub hub for over $100.

  5. Also loved Freaks and Geeks, cant believe it got cancelled after only one season. I bet it was that episode with the hermaphidite, some stuffy big wig saw that and axed it. Well it rocked. Havent seen Undeclared at all, is that as good?


    I can't believe it got cancelled either...people today only seem to care about reality and doctor shows.


    Undeclared probably isn't as good as Freaks and Geeks, but it is worth watching - it is a modern version of Freaks and Geeks in college. plus it was also only one season long of half hour episodes so it doesn't take much time. It's a must see for Judd Apatow fans because there is a ton of his 'posse' in the show. Watch that, then Knocked Up and you will see half of the Undeclared cast. In my opionion the best part is when they play truth or dare, f'in hilarious.

  6. I've only had Netflix since May and I share it with my boyfriend, but movies/TV shows we or I have loved that may have already been mentioned...


    TV Shows

    Freaks and Geeks

    Undeclared (both by Judd Apatow)

    Rescue Me - Can't get enough of this show

    We're looking into Six Feet Under next


    Movies (With exception to highly popular ones)

    State and Main

    Speedway Junky

    When Harry Met Sally (ok popular, but really good)

    The Big Chill

    Kevin Smith movie's (Mallrats, Clerks, etc.)

    St. Elmo's Fire

    The Wizard (brings back memories if you're 20 something)


    Several Hitchcock films


    Anyone know if the TV show The Shield is any good? Or movie The Motel? I'm looking forward to the Once release.

  7. I kind of figured that since they were playing Iowa State, that even though I left out the "state" people would figure I was referring to Iowa State and no Iowa. I apologize for the confusion.


    NEVER say IOWA while referring to Iowa State and assume you'll get away with it, that is a disgrace to every Hawkeye fan. :headbonk


    In other news, killer victory for IOWA yesterday over the Spartans...double OT win at home


    I was definitly disappointed that Penn State couldn't bring more for OSU

  8. INDEED!!! And ya know, I'm not quite sure why they added Danny to the cast, they were doing just fine on their own, I thought (been with them since the beginning). But he IS funny :thumbup


    The producers or whatever said they had to bring in someone famous or they wouldn't renew it for another season...I saw it on the DVD extras.


    Although I must say, I don't find this show that funny...but my boyfriend is obsessed with it so I get stuck watching it

  9. GA is really the only way to go as far as I'm concerned. The energy of a standing crowd and how it feeds the band is incomparable to anything: makes for a truly religious experience. Millenium and the couple of Auditorium shows I've been to pale so heavily in comparison to Iowa City, Bonnaroo, Lollapalooza. The physical strain is SO MORE THAN WORTH IT.


    I agree...my back usually hurts the next day from standing but I get past it and it is worth it. Plus then it seems I actually of have a chance at getting close.

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