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Posts posted by jimjiminy

  1. could anyone sendspace this in .mp3 if they get the chance? i told myself after the last show i'm never converting a flac show again.

    Send me a PM with your address and I'll send you a disc of the show. I won't convert the files to mp3 since that breaks one of the hallowed and sacred laws of trading. Why the hatred for FLAC? It is a beautiful thing...

  2. This was my first Wilco show. I've only been a hardcore fan for about a year now. My wife and I drove up from Nashville and due to several delays we arrived late, missing the first four songs. I really hope the audience recordings and/or the Sirius broadcast turn out well. The weather was perfect, the crowd was great, and I thought the ballpark setup worked really well.

  3. I would agree about hollow bodies and feedback problems live. I have a Casino with a Bigsby - great in the studio, okay live. In fact, I like that I can push it in the studio because I can control the feedback.


    If Teles are even in the equation, I would highly recommend checking out G&L Guitars. They have some semi-hollow Tele bodies that are amazing. This is where Death Cab For Cutie gets some of their great sound (oh, and the custom Matchless amps.)



  4. I have a Breedlove. I'll have to check and see what style it is when I get home. I purchased it 12 years ago when the cheapest guitar they built was $1650 - that's the one I got. (I was in highschool and I bought that instead of a car.) It's an SC something, I believe--soft cutaway, satin finish. I've put in a $350 B-band piccup system so she's a mellow lady.


    Initially I was extremely unimpressed with the Atlas series, but I played a bunch of the more middle-of-the-road models ($800-$1200) the other day at a local shop here in Nashville and I had to rethink my initial impressions.


    Now, my current love afair is with this mandolin that was recently released. Oh baby.




    Now, if only I could raise $1500 legally...

  5. You know what, you're absolutely right. The $18 fee is to register the mp3 license with the dB poweramp program. I guess I just like to be able to do the whole FLAC to mp3 conversion in one swift move...even though I probably have four or five different WAV > mp3 converters. Oh well.

  6. Yeah. Craziness. I have a project recording studio at home and when I heard about this a few years ago I tried it. Very weird experience indeed. It wasn't quite the Dark-Side-of-the-Moon-Wizard-of-Oz or Zaireeka experience I thought it was going to be, but it was worth it. Man, I had a lot more free time back then.

  7. ...and I make my appearance on this forum.


    I would like to give a big heartfelt "thank you" to those that have made the various FLAC shows and demos available of Wilco, Tweedy, Uncle Tupelo, etc. I've had the two versions of YHF demos for some time, but the upgrade was very nice indeed. I can't tell you how much I've been enjoying the various Tweedy shows these past few weeks. (I'm still kicking myself for not going to see him when he was in Nashville in January. But, in my defense, I did have a huge reading exam as part of my doctoral studies that week...I certainly had my academic blinders on that month.)


    Any way...in order to pay it forward, as it were, I will send 2 DVDRs of all the Jeff Tweedy shows currently hosted on owlandbear.com to the first three people that PM me (that's nearly 7 GB of unadulterated goodness). Since there will still be a bit of room on one of the DVDs you can make some requests, especially if you don't have the YHF or Summerteeth Demos.


    You will need to convert the FLAC and SHN files yourself. I recommend dB poweramp for coversion. Trust me, it's worth the $18 (plus I believe you get a 30 day free trial).


    I am hoping that those that PM me are ones that would download these files if they could but otherwise cannot. (Being lazy is not a very good reason.) I may even be able to get these in the mail tomorrow or the next day if I get quick responses.

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