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Basil II

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Posts posted by Basil II

  1. The following was submitted to me in an opinion piece:


    "The use of chrystalized meth is a difficulty that the Yakima Police are dealing with."



    It's been well known around these parts that Yakima (police and other......depts.) are profiteering on the trade.....


    It is is one of the saddest places in the state of Washington.


    It has some great wineries though...... :wine




  2. I've come to the conclusion that Jay Bennett and Nels Cline are both essential!!!


    That would be a Wilco worth driving long distances and flying Mende up from down under to see!!!





    A good friend turned me onto a Nels/Thurston Moore disc that was just frightening...it almost triggered a flashback!

    Just for the record,I think Jeff got exactly the right guy.




    Hmmmmmm....which one wuz that??? :music



  3. The direction seems to be, go back to the AM rejects, cop a riff which appears once or twice in the song, and then make a whole new song out of it.




    That's a bit harsh.......however,I believe that Jay(Bennett) was a great sound board for Jeff's songwriting........testing Jeff's paitence to the point of kickin' him out......only time will tell but Jay's talent in this band measured up to whatever Jeff's strong points.




  4. I've always liked Phil's work on other people's albums - especially Eno and Roxy Music - but I have some of his solo stuff too, and really think it's pretty damn cool.


    I just picked up a tape deck for $15 over the weekend (after finally admitting I will NEVER make the time to convert all my cassettes to mp3s or flac or whatever), and I'm listening to my tape of Phil's "Primitive Guitars" on a real stereo for the first time in years. Some of it's very bizarre but overall it's excellent.


    Any other Manzanera fans on here?




    Isn't that Ray Manzarek's lil' brother???



    I keed, I keed!!! :D



  5. Take the blue eyed soul and seventies rock influences prevalent on the new material theyre plaing live and insert the sonic disturbances of YHFT and AGIB, selectively culling from the studio noise freakouts of YHFT and the minimalist live guitar/percussion textures of AGIB.



    WOW...you dO have it figured out......... :lol




  6. I actually spent some cash at a Starbucks this morning. I was at the grocery store anyway, and as it was kind of chilly outside, I thought maybe I'd try their hot chocolate because a few people have told me it's really good.


    It is not.

    Also: I ordered it as a "medium."



    You want a vent mocha breve latte sans espresso shots? :punch




  7. I think Starbucks' regular coffee is better than Dunkin' Donuts. I refuse, however, to speak Italian at them. None of this "venti" bullshit. I'm all about "large regular, room for milk."



    :thumbup Yeah, but they double speak it back to you in thier "language"



  8. Edit: It should be noted Starbuck's does not typically own it's real estate like McDonald's. They're just really good at finding the best locations and lease agreements. Of course, store design is a key as well.



    I have it on a good source that all land for new Starbucks locations are purchased. existing leases as they run out go towards this strategy.



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