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Posts posted by kimcatch22

  1. Tremendous influx of dough to a most deserving charity that makes a significant difference (I'm paraphrasing how Jeff explained it last year) in people's lives. Awesome.

    There were lots of tears from Heather and several of the improv group members who have participated in this in the past when she explained what this means to people. I don't remember the exact total but I think after the auction we had raised somewhere in the $65,000-67,000 range. As was said last night, that kind of money changes lives.

  2. Now, I enjoy all the others on the list (with the possible exception of Home Alone), but It's A Wonderful Life is, in fact, one of my favorite movies ever. I never tire of watching it. It's a masterpiece. I will watch it several times again this year. To me, it embodies everything that's right with the holiday season, regardless of religious belief/celebration/lack of.

    It's my favorite film ever. I wrote a paper on it a few years ago and had to "research" (watch) it several times in September, forcing me to look beyond the Christmas stuff. Even when you take it out of the holiday context it still stands up, and you see all of the facets of the story that sometimes get buried in the hype of the film as a holiday tradition. I don't even think it's primarily a Christmas film at all; it's about George Bailey's journey and just happens to be set during the holiday in the same way that it just happens to be set in Bedford Falls.


    And even though I know every single line of the film, every camera angle and emotional turning point, I still cry my eyes out at the end. "A toast to my big brother, George--the richest man in town." Gets me every time.

  3. This was my fourth or fifth straight year and I thought the comedy was the best it has ever been. My face hurts from laughing so much.

    I came in about half an hour after the event started and thus missed any introductions they may have given. Do you know anything about the core comedy group? I assumed they were Second City e.t.c. people but I only saw one of them listed on the cast page. I did a google search and found a few more of them used to be in a group at iO together, but still didn't find anything about the line-up we saw last night. They were great and I'd love to see them again. Improv can be so hit-and-miss but overall these guys rocked it.

  4. Someone Else's Song

    Sunken Treasure

    California Stars

    Either Way

    Remember THe Mountain Bed

    Black Eye




    Details to follow.

    Someone Else's Song and Remember The Mountain Bed were on stage with the mic. The other four were the result of the MC's (guys from the improv troupe) auctioning off the right to choose the song and then have Jeff perform it right in front of you. Front corner of the house got Sunken Treasure; back got California Stars with Jeff wiggling his butt a little bit and doing a singalong; middle got Either Way with Jeff sitting on the winner's spot at the bar; and Black Eye went to a corner of the house.


    Sorry this isn't more detailed or official--I'm laboring to separate the details of the night from the pure joy that's bouncing around in my brain.

  5. I believe there is a garage near by and street parking.

    But if you do street parking be careful about parking along snow routes. They ticket/tow (I think?) and it's supposed to snow any minute now.

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