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via belleville

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Everything posted by via belleville

  1. Brilliant. And yes, that was a Mighty Wind reference.
  2. Looks like the 10/9 and 10/8 dates in Dallas and Cedar Park are no longer listed on Wilcoworld.net. Wha happen?
  3. Well, bless her heart, my preggo mamma made it all the way to Spiders. Didn't think we get that far, but she was a champ. Seems like I saw a couple other mommies to be, too. Kudos to you all. The guys put on a great show + we got a Wilco bib for the little guy on the way. "Just That Simple" = double bonus
  4. Thank you all so much for your replies and good words. The show is billed as 7:30, so I'm guessing we're going to show up around 8:30-8:45. I haven't been to this venue since it stopped being Gilley's. From what I can tell, they do have scattered seating and tables just in case the Mrs needs a break. Although, with us showing up late...who knows if we can get one? But, then again, who wants to sit at a Wilco show? (Except a woman who is giving birth in 5 days?) I'm all kindsa fired up for tonight. Beats being whipped by the ACL heat/crowd/etc.
  5. First time poster, long time listener. So, here's my story. My wife is literally 8.5 months pregnant -- and we have tickets to the show tomorrow night at the Palladium. Throughout her entire term, she's been insisting that she'll make it to the show. No kidding. She is going to have her C-Section next Wednesday, but she is geared up to go to the show on Friday. So, that said, would anyone around here have an idea when the guys might come on tomorrow night? No offense to Dr. Dog, who I'm sure are wonderful in their own right -- but my window with the Mrs. is tight. My feeling is that I'v
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