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Posts posted by upnorth

  1. i just got confirmed today, but won't be able to do any of the pre-gig meet ups...am gonna bring the boys for their first rock show. hopefully they will dig it.


    My kids got their first taste of a rock concert with Wilco last year and were blown away. You'll have a great time watching your kids get swept up in the atmosphere.

  2. I'll be there with my wife and two kids (8 and 11). Anyone know where the stage will be in the stadium? I assume center field. I'm hoping to grab seats so my kids can see the stage. We were at Tanglewoods last year on the lawn and they were OK just seeing the big screens but they said they don't care how early they need to get there, they want to see the stage this time.

  3. If anyone has a copy of the now out of print Being There Songbook that they could stand to part with I'd like to buy it off of you. My kids are huge Wilco fans (as am I :)) and they've devoured both the Wilco songbook and the SBS book. Their music teacher found someone with a copy of Being There and made a xerox of the whole thing but given that they're only 8 and 11 the pages of the copy are starting to scatter all over the house. I'd like to keep them going on their Wilco obsession so if you've got the book shoot me a PM.

  4. 2 for Portland!!!! Where did you find venue info? I can't anything about Maine State Pier anywhere. We have been to Portland tons but never to the pier


    I believe the Maine State Pier is a big empty warehouse (dry dock?, boat storage?) kind of building. I've never seen a show there but it's not a real pretty venue. I'm about halfway between Portland and Lowell and I bought tickets for Lowell. I want to take the kids and I think they may be a have chance at seeing the stage there, plus it seems like a nicer venue.

  5. For a bit of prespective, my youngest son noted the following:

    - "Poor John only has 3 bass guitars" where there are dozens of guitars...

    - He wanted to know why Glenn was stuck in a box with "pointed walls" in the corner. I told him it was because he was dangerous :)

    - He asked if those were the rugs they took on tour with them.


    My oldest spotted the tenor guitar on the far left in the front row of the guitars with great envy.

  6. That's a good deal that he is learning how to play at such an early age.


    I agree. He's no prodigy and I don't care. I just like that he plays something and if it has to be Wilco, well so be it :D.

  7. Wilcobase song search-->Kingpin-->results


    When you see a show that fits what you are looking for, click on it, then scroll down to the bottom.


    Look for:


    Audio Sources

    etree users with this show

    Download this show from the Wilco Archive @ Owl and Bear


    Click on:


    Download this show from the Wilco Archive @ Owl and Bear


    I have chosen this show -


    1997-01-11 Jeff Tweedy- Lounge Ax, Chicago, IL


    Kingpin is the 8th track.


    Perfect, thank you! This will give me the chance to show him how to use a slide...

  8. I have a related question... My 8 year old really digs the Ashes version and now wants to learn to play it. I've found some tabs here, showed him the tuning and he is working on it, but it would help him if I could find Tweedy playing it solo. He loses it when the band strikes up. Hearing solo versions have always helped him in the past. Anyone have a link to Tweedy playing it acoustic solo?


    ... and, if you are wondering, yes he is eight (that's not a typo) and he is a HUGE Wilco fan.

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