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Posts posted by ZeroCharlie

  1. Okay here we go haha


    "Highly suspicious" Is freaking awesome. I laugh whenever I hear the deep voices "hiiiiighly suspicious!" but You gotta love when an awesome band says "Hey we don't take ourselves seriously! To prove it, here's some prince"

    It's kind of like Queen. Obviously they took themselves kind of seriously, (I mean when you're selling out Wembly Stadium and having one of your songs be used as a rally cry at every major sporting event, it comes with the territory) But their songs were obviously not the best songs ever, hence why they are good. Like how Gomez sang "Boo hoo boo hoo" in "Cry on demand" it's almost refreshing to go hey, they're just like normal people they have a sense of humor about themselves and thus their work. So I'm sorry queen haters but I cherish "Don't stop me now" I mean c'mon: "200 degrees that's why they call me mr. fahrenheiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" hahaha kills me everytime. Awesome.


    That "memories of lookin out the back door" or whatever Nickleback song was used in my high school montage (the video was about 10 minutes long so it was played a few times) and I just sat in awe that someone could one, put that out saying "this is us, we're tender but we're rugged" and also take it seriously. That kills me. To write stuff like that for some laughs is good, but nobody gets the joke when you're not established enough to have been taken seriously ever (refer back to previous mmj albums, "Hopefully" is freaking perfect. for me at least. Reminds me of Neil young in a slick way). Same goes for Creed and those other bands that sprang up after human clay came out, trying to get in on the latest "Hey mainstream rock doesn't sound all the same enough. Let's make it so NOBODY can tell us apart!".


    For the newest examples see the new prepubescent whiny vocals "don't call us pop because we're hardcore and we're cool because we have contortionists at our shows to draw attention from our lyrics which we write as narrations to soap operas" ("haven't you people ever heard oooooof closing the god damn doooooor no!")

    And in rap try that super synth voice that everyone uses now? Can't think of titles off the top of my head and I've already been listening to "Cruel Summer" and "Every rose" so I am maxing out on awful hits today. Rap is not where I need to be. Where did I put that living room convert disk?


    Magic Stick- 50 cent should be up here. Terrible. Also that it is exactly the same as his other one "Candy shop" maybe I'm wrong. Don't care enough to find out.


    Can't remember who said it, but that kid rock summer "sweet home Alabama" half cover thing sucked. It was really modern hit country. I didn't even like him when he was modern hit mushmouth. ("baw wit da baw da bang da bang diggy diggy diggy said the boogie said upjump to boogie" or was it upchuck the boogie? I seem to remember that was a much disputed "lyric" for some reason)


    Limp Bizkit. Enough said?

    Okay maybe a little more. Fred Durst. I think when you are trying to become a director and as a joke to your friends pretend to be "ghetto" (his words, not mine) and somehow you get a record deal and Give up your dream because you're making more money in "music" you know you've taken a wrong turn. He did go back to directing though, made some terrible movie with the rock i think. But when that failed guess what? THEY'RE REUNITING.

    Every trash has a story.


    For me, I couldn't find the worst one from this band (I was on my suitemate's computer and it came up) so this one will have to do

    Sky Eats Airplane- "Giants in the Ocean"



    Lykke Li

    honestly, It wasn't as bad as I thought. But it's pretty bad. I say loose the tambourine, take your celesta guy and become auxillary members in the Arcade Fire. They just plain do it better.


    Who let the dogs out. Lammycat, I like the way you think.


    Gel-collective soul. Jesus Etc84, agreed. Terrible. But I will go out on a limb to say that their earlier stuff I liked. "The world I know". And "December" (ok so I liked their two hits. Does that constitute calling it "Stuff"? makes me sound like I actually listen to them as a band. oh my). Though I think this is more of my obsession with the 90's. Those two songs were just on the bus radio going to school. I think it's more the time they make me think about rather than the work themselves. Do I hate or love? Your call.


    In the covers category I have both ends of the spectrum.

    "How I Could Just Kill a Man" -Cypress Hill (orig.)

    "How I Could Just Kill a Man"- Rage Against The Machine. Like the rage one a hell of a lot more. Something about that voice in Cypress Hill. That weird twang that makes it sound like his face is stretched sideways and it chomping down on his teeth. Seriously try singing it yourself. "Hier iss seymtheing you caint ahhndah stayend" (Listen. You will realize I am not crazy.)


    John Mayer Discussion. My two cents: I don't like the stuff they play on the radio really but I must say I like some of the stuff I've been given. In a much less soulful martin sexton way. He's like that superstar that is also a music hipster's guilty pleasure. (I liked waiting for the world to change, but was already sick of it halfway through the first listen ((I have a soft spot for Glockenspiel)) )

    Every time John Mayer comes up in conversation it goes to what is happened in this thread. "Soft voice blek!" "But he's a great player!" "that don't make it good music!" blah blah blah etc. But even the people I know who hate him at least respect him and eventually say they kind of like him after hearing The John Mayer Trio. Seriously. I feel like a talking billboard but if you are trying to understand why people like him, I say this is pretty accessible. It is blues fused and cool. And it's a trio, so. yeah (Hey worked for john butler and ben folds five!) It is like me. I have at least a little respect for Justin Timberlake after seeing "A very special Christmas gift" on SNL.


    Sorry to get on this again but seriously? Nobody else for Spin Doctors? haha I grew up on that record. "You never lost your frozen freight! Tangibles and bloodless meats!" haha Listening to it right now. Funky!

    And Lammycat you met Chris?


    Okay I'll shut up now. I am obviously young board member wise, so I don't have much weight to say but this is some of the most fun I've had on VC. Oh terrible music. Keep on "rockin". You make me appreciate other artists even more

  2. The Blues Traveler tune also.

    Oh no! Ahh well if you didn't like Spin Doctors Blues traveler was soon to follow. They started out together opening at each others shows until both bands were playing together. I'll agree idk if I want to hear "Hook" or "Run-around" for a while (Thanks mainstream radio!) but their other stuff is killer. Haha at their shows half the people were fans of all their other music, and hated their two radio hits, then the other half were only there for those hits.


    Listen to "Crash and burn" siiiiiiiiick harmonica, And actually all the musicians are good, but it is overshadowed by John Popper because honestly, how many times do you see a harmonica virtuoso in the public eye?


    and if you're still not into them after "Crash and Burn" then I will feel at ease knowing you just don't like that kind of music, and not overplayed radio hits.

  3. Mayer is a hulking pile of steaming vomit and I can't be convinced otherwise, no matter how many licks he can play on the guitar.

    Okay the breathy soft vocals annoyed me for a while because they sound so fake (especially when you hear his real voice) but I appreciated him when I listened to the John Mayer Trio. Seriously, I know you're not into him but see if you like this. It is his songs, just, Better.

  4. That song by the Spin Doctors. You know the one.


    :ohwell "Two princes" is a good song. Although I might be biased because I like the rest of pocketful of kryptonite more. Kind of like people who love Bob Dylan at least excuse some of his lesser work. But seriously Try listening to "forty or fifty" and "What time is it?" two of my favorite songs.

  5. Definitely. Some locations just clear your head, kind of like your mind's home. You can take yourself out of the world for a moment, and connect before you come back down. Glad you found a spot.

    Many artists have a location as a muse, I am reminded of "Some Days I see the Point" -Billy Bragg

  6. I think i've learned when looking to past albums to get a feel for the next one, you get left in the dust.

    (Think in I am trying to break your heart when a fan asks if the new album will be more like AM or Summerteeth, and he seemed at a loss for words, that it was neither)

    All their albums previously I have loved equally and the next is sure to be another cherished record in my collection.

    I feel that the only thing I can expect is to be surprised, and to love every minute.

  7. The latter two have come to Grinnell and both were solid shows. Yo La Tengo came here the year before I got here :realmad But we've been trying to get them back again.


    Wilco came in '99.


    I cought yo la tengo at cornell (I lived 20 minutes away in high school) and it was amazing. Guitar freakouts abound, throwing it in the air, epic nuclear war, sonic noise wars...


    ...oh they also played Mr. Tough

  8. YO LA TENGO $15,000++

    CITIZEN COPE $20,000+

    SPOON $20-30,000+

    MY MORNING JACKET $40,000+




    Looks like a trip to the student activities board at my college is in order.





    And for the "WTF?!" factor:

    PANIC! AT THE DISCO $150,000+

  9. His show last night here in Ithaca was lovely. I had a front row center seat, and it pretty much felt like he was playing just for me. The sound quality at the State Theatre was fantastic--he even said it was his favorite room he'd sung in as long as he could remember (here's hoping that he mentions that to Wilco...)--and the crowd was respectfully quiet at all the right times but enthusiastic, too.


    He played two songs from the new album last night, Natural Disaster and Fitz and the Dizzyspells, the latter of which he'd never played by himself before and seemed to decide to on a whim. It was inspired by a night he spent in a cheap motel in Windsor, Canada, some years ago, back when he was touring by himself with all his equipment in his car. He got up in the morning and found that someone had slid a note under the door that simply read: "You woke me up." He said he'd just watched TV and had gone to sleep, so he had no idea what kind of night terrors he must've been having. He said the album has a natural history theme and that he just finished it two days ago and actually still likes it.


    This and Nels's new solo album are probably my most-awaited releases for the first quarter of next year.


    Sounds awesome, wish I were there. The state theater is a great place to see a show. I saw String Cheese Incident there a few years ago. I had tickets for cope a few weeks back but things got in the way. Great lineup past two months, bird, cope, bragg. If wilco were to come, I'll see you there haha

  10. I have wanting to get into a new york band called Drink Me for a while now but never have been able to find their stuff(out of print). If anybody can help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

    PM me or e-mail: pacgamer2600@gmail.com

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