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Posts posted by renic

  1. i've considered the ride to work option, but assume i'd just smell like shit the rest of the day.


    thanks for your suggestions, so far. i've heard a lot lately about hybrids, so i'll probably look into those. i think i'm just going to go to a bike shop this weekend and talk to someone who knows a lot more than i do about bikes.


    you know what, i didn't even read your first post b/c i didn't realize you were looking for a bike. i've got a schwin solution & i think its a hybrid.


    there are a ton of good bike shops around town. there's on the route on lincoln, ReCycle in the south loop & a ton of others. drop me a pm if you want other suggestions.


    and i work with a bunch of dudes & students so i don't care what i smell like! lol

  2. i just got my bike tuned up so i'm all ready! the lake front path starts just south of my house & runs down to where i work so the goal is to ride there at least twice a week. riding bak though, i'll just have to work on that! thankfully, i can always take my bike on the train.

  3. LOL


    That is a good way to get people to stop doing things though - also, there is the finger technique as demonstrated by Sean Connery in the classic film, The Presidio (1988).


    that's great for you normies! its us shorties that it makes it a little tough. since i got rid of the go go gadget boots that is.

  4. Wait, Edie, I think I can see you making Jackson Hole! ;) My name isn't Hoback Junction for nothin~ Allison, you too! Forget the berkshires and Indie, I must go back to the homeland for this...the Village :wub and Wilco, dear God.


    this girl needs a real job first!

  5. OK, this is getting very unfunny.


    I was in Bismarck ND in April. Wilco was in Fargo less than 1 week later


    Wilco was in Missoula in May. I will be there in July.


    Wilco will be in Salt Lake in Aug. I will be in Park City in early Sept.


    Wilco will be in CHICAGO (and Indy) in Aug. I will be in Missoula.


    And now Jackson Hole.....so I still have no Wilco in my future :hmm


    damn girl. who'd you piss off? :cheekkiss

  6. Those same people have or will at some point do all of those same things.



    this is a good point a-man.


    its very true & the best thing to do is suck it up, know that their actions might have fucked someone's concert experience, own up to it & simply deal with it. there's no reason to continue to be an ass about it or leave the board b/c others voiced how it affected them.

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