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Posts posted by LOLPIZZA

  1. I would KILL for some Wilco on Rock Band. To my knowledge, Wilco hasn't commented on it. I imagine it's only a matter of time before it happens. We're starting to see more "less mainstream" bands showing up (TV on the Radio, Kings of Leon, et cetera), and once labels/bands realize the amount of money to be made by licensing their work to be used in these games, I think we'll start seeing even more.


    I'd love to see "Spiders," "Shot in the Arm," "I am the Man Who Loves You," "Impossible Germany" and "Monday" on it. Fuck it, what am I saying... I'd be happy with whatever Rock Band bone Wilco chose to throw at us.

  2. This was my first Wilco show. My roommate had been telling me for weeks leading up to the show that, no matter how many live DVDs, bootlegs and video clips I watch, nothing compares to seeing them live. I assumed this was just music nerd hyperbole, but he was right. There's something intangiable+great about the band live that I can't quite describe. Tweedy, his genius and awkwardly charismatic stage banter have a lot to do with it, but the whole group really seems to come together in a way I didn't expect. Not only do they all seem at the top of their game, technically, but everyone seems to genuinely have a good time performing.


    Highlights for me:

    * "A Magazine Called Sunset" - My roommate and I had a major "wouldn't be sweet if" discussion about this song, as we listened to some of the demos for YHF on the way to the show. When he started playing it, I nearly exploded in OMG's.


    * My request on the site was "Summer Teeth," so I'm going to assume that I'm solely responsible for it getting played.


    * It was really great hearing "In a Future Age" played, even though it seems like a song so mellow, it's doomed to be overlooked in that sort of setting.


    * Someone else commented on this - there was this great extra flourish at the end of "Can't Stand It." I've never heard it played by the current incarnation of Wilco, and I think the song definately benefits from Nels Cline+friends' influence.


    * I've always kinda hated "Hate it Here" and "walken," but seeing them live changed my mind.


    * I love that "Hummingbird" gives Tweedy a chance to rock without burdon of an instrument.


    * Hearing "Impossible Germany" and "I'm the Man Who Loves You" really made me wonder why more of the world's population fall all over themselves when they hear Wilco, and why my local rock radio stations are stuck playing the same garbage they've been playing since the mid-nineties.


    * They couldn't have picked a better first encore, really. "Poor Places" blending into "Reservations," and then into "Spiders" bordered on perfection. Way to sound epic, Wilco.


    * Hearing "California Stars" and "Hoodoo Voodoo" proved to me that I've been an big dummy for not jumping into the Billy Bragg+Wilco albums sooner. Holy shit!


    My only complaint was this drunk dude behind us, who kept trying to bro-friend us by drunkenly encouraging us to dance and scream like he was. I don't emote a lot while watching a concert, I admit, and it must look like I'm not having any fun, so I've caught a lot of this "aren't you having any fun" nonsense at other shows, but this dude wouldn't quit! He was one of those annoying types that feels the need to scream the lyrics to the song seconds before the leader singer does (I'll NEVER understand why people need to do this. There were even people like this when I saw Tom Waits a couple years back). Plus, he kept screaming out requests to songs you know there's no way in hell they'd play (the most ridiculous was "Jolly Banker," which he insisted they play during the final encore). I ended up telling him to leave me the fuck alone, at some point during "California Stars," and thankfully, he listened. He looked kinda hurt, too. Maybe he didn't realize how obnoxious he was being, but one sort of assumes that somebody would catch the drift when someone ignores every attempt you make to engage them in conversation.


    That shit's on the drunk dude, not Wilco, though. I had a great time, and would kill a baby if it got me a chance to see the band again.


    Just kidding (about the babies, not Wilco).


    @jmwils1 Thanx for the recording!!

  3. yeah i ran across the insound preorders but something tells me the release date is wishful thinking... did anyone here preorder wilco(the album) and get the insound poster? if so, is it worth getting? thanks!


    No, Poster is SUPER lame. It's on cheap-ass paper, and looks like someone took twenty minutes in MS Paint designing it. It's got a black square (which is supposed to be a record sleeve) with a series of records sliding out of it. WILCO is spelled out very faintly on the face of each record, but you can't really tell unless you angle the poster. Then, there's the tracklisting underneath. They have a picture, I believe on the preorder page, but you'd never think it's the actual poster.


    I preordered Being There & Summerteeth. Not holding my breath, but I'll post if they actually ship.

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