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Posts posted by jbray

  1. Um, then there's this via the band's FB: https://www.facebook.com/wilcohq/photos/a.127996970420.136900.8290410420/10153437544455421/?type=1&theater


    Does anyone else think this looks more like album art than a concert poster/press shot? Or is that just me...

    It's clearly photoshopped, so I doubt it. If the band is willing to photoshoot a camel's birthday party, this would be a walk in the park. The Notorious Wilco Brothers, however, is very interesting...


    edit: not ever having listened to the Byrds, I didn't notice the reference to that album.

  2. I mostly agree, though I'm guessing that I've enjoyed some of Wilco's recent albums more than you have. I don't doubt that the current lineup is capable of making a great record, they definitely are, but I think a change could be good. (I'd also much prefer Jeff or Pat play lead instead of Nels)

    Pat has been showing off his muscle lately with leading the production side of TWL and even on-stage (using his Billy-Bo for "Red-Eyed and Blue/I Got You at the Cap show stands out in my mind) but I would personally like to hear less of the late 60's/70's aesthetic moving forward. I would be interested in seeing what the band could with less guitar. Summerteeth stands as the only up-front synth record (Art of Almost aside) and but that lacked nuance and was buried under chugging baritone guitar or steel guitar ala Nashville (I'm Always in Love, ELT). 


    In my mind I see giving Mikael the lead in exploring the ideas behind the SOMA Hummingbird or Unlikey Japan. 

  3. Wilco - 2016 - The White Album

    I don't think Wilco should ever make an attempt at "The White Album". I think people forget that the Beatles were easy to listen to with such quick succession because they had three (four twice and 1/2) songwriters that made cohesive yet disparate records. Here, it's just Jeff with varying band input (now that Jay has been long gone). I like Sukierae, but it could have been a stronger single album if only for the style fatigue factor. 


    As for 2004 holding the last "masterpiece" album, that is affected by when you started listening. If you look at Wilco in phases (1:AM, BT, Mermaid(s). 2: Summerteeth, YHF, AGIB. 3: SBS, W(tA), TWL), Where you started listening tends to be where you last perceive Wilco as capable of master-craft. You may be able to look backwards and see greatness, but not forwards because the band is no longer making the type of music you fell in love with. Obviously this is generalized and everybody listens differently, but as someone else already said, the best part of Wilco is the difference between each record, not the similarities (that's why Wilco (the Album) is not as great as the rest). 

  4. "Hotel Arizona" (They played it at SS4 and he didn't forget the lyrics this time!)


    "Shake it Off"


    "Black Moon"


    Honorable mention my all-time favorite Wilco songs Muzzle of Bees and Pot Kettle Black but I don't think they are particularly forgotten about.

  5. I doubt it'll rain ALL weekend, but if it does I'll make the best of it. Not going to let it spoil a great weekend of music.

    It poured on Friday night in 2011 and left Joe's Field flooded that entire weekend. However, that was still an amazing Solid Sound if not for the sheer volume of songs that they played that I rarely get to hear ("Hotel Arizona", Hell is Chrome"). I would say that it was better than Solid Sound #3 because two nights of Wilco is better than A cover set (however special that was) and no "A Ghost is Born"). Simply put, come equipped, spend time in the galleries when the rain is hardest, and enjoy the show because this does only happen "Every Other Year". Maybe one day they will go back to the original August when New England is pretty dry. 

  6. one of my favorites on The Whole Love.  But it has to be listened to along with Dawned on Me.  Just a perfect pairing.


    Sunloathe and Shake It Off are the 2 Wilco songs that baffle me the most about Wilco fans.  


    This almost seems conflicting... Are you baffeled because more people don't like them or because people like them? I love Shake it Off and request it every SS.


    Sunloathe would be pretty sweet in the acoustic show if they have trouble pulling it off normally.

  7. I think "Wishful Thinking" has enough respect in the community, but "One Wing", I was sad to see that song disappear from the live set. They should bring back the pairing with "I Am Trying to Break Your Heart", that was my favorite part of the W(tA) and Evening With sets.

  8. To answer your first question, there are a couple of regulars on this board whose faves are SBS and WTA (linclink, that's you, right?) Lots (dare I say the majority) of folks on here, though, seem to prefer old/middle Wilco to new, with some exceptions for TWL.


    Second question, you'll find lots of people backing you on AGIB being the best work. I'm definitely one of them. (For me, the first half of SBS is gorgeous, but the second half disappoints.) But that's the beauty of Wilco's contribution to rock and roll. A span of fifteen or so years and eight studio albums, and there's something amazing for everyone.

    I'm definitely a member of the "AGIB is Wilco's best work" party but I also think that SBS is their third best outfit.


    Call it boring or whatever you like, but IMHO the second half of that record (and the first for that matter) get right inside of specific emotions and human moments that the other records missed out on. That's what makes Wilco amazing, they continue to explore different things as they move on like Jeff discussing parenting on TWL's "I Might". I don't know where you place yourself on "the second half" of SBS but "Shake It Off" really angles on moving through  depression and the state of your mind their even when it seems to be written about shaking off an addiction. "On and On and On" deals with death in a way that I think few other songs in anyone's catalog has and has some of Wilco's best bridges in recent memory. "Leave Me (Like You Found Me)" and "Please Be Patient With Me" also really capture an introvert perspective and set of emotions I can seriously identify with.


    I guess after reading all of the comments about how everybody spun the other records more, that seems weird to me. Wilco has always had records that vary enough that as you progress through the set, you start carrying an expectation that will always have to be broken. AGIB is not YHF and listening with either of those ears to BT or SBS will make you hate them. It just seems like every record takes the same type of dedicated listen to get back that very full reward. If you spent that time with YHF and not SBS just because it didn't catch you the same way at first, it's hard for me not to say "too bad, you really missed out."


    On that note, W(TA) has some really solid tracks like "Country Disappeared", "Solitaire", and "Everlasting Everything" but I am surprised that they took "One Wing"out of the touring list as it was such a cool transition from "IATTBYH" into that song. "One Wing" is one of their best songs period IMHO.



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