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Posts posted by dennis

  1. Anyone like Jason Falkner?


    I am really looking forward to this album. It'll be his first real studio album in almost 8 years.


    So far, it is only available in Japan, or as an import. Has anyone ordered this? Or plan to?


    I am debating ordering it, but if they announce a North American release for relatively soon, I would rather save the cash.


    Anyway, just thought I would see if anyone here was into his music and/or looking forward to this release.



  2. I have the whole thing. I don't know what to think really. I really loved the three EP's but this album is really hard to judge from a few listens. I'll have more of an opinion on it later.



    i feel the same way. when i first heard the EP's, especially Raised by Wolves and Mothers, Sisters, Etc... I was blown away. That didn't happen with this one but after listening to the new LP many many time since Monday I can honestly say that it has grown on my like crazy.


    I think they could have done better, but how, I do not know and who am I to say anyway...and besides, I do really like it.


    My impression of this feeling is no more than my high hopes holding my senses back.


    I will go on record as saying, this album is great...just give it time.


  3. Hey guys,

    I know I am just another guy with a record but I would love it if you guys would take a listen. I just mastered it. Here is the link:




    For any of you who have heard my demos, I think you will like what I have done with the songs. I invite you to criticize, compliment, whatever form of feedback you want to offer.


    This record will be released in Canada in a few months time on Northern Dust Records.


    Happy days!


  4. Of Montreal is very fun live. Check out some of their older stuff, it is rather different than their recent albums, but still great.


    the hissing fauna is a pretty great record, but so far i think my favorite is "the bedside drama". I prefer the older stuff, but I do love all of it.



  5. Doh!


    I think they have some rule about "music freely available on the web" or some such thing not being allowed to be torrented on the site.


    Plus - it's good for a listen or laugh - but I would not want this stuff to keep.



    oink have an mp3 quality minimum, and this streaming stuff won't pass in a million years.

  6. it just doesn't have the great melodies that the first 2 were full of. it has a few, but on the whole, notsomuch. i appreciate them for branching out a bit, but in this case i'd have preferred the "if it's not broke don't fix it" approach.




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