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About mattf

  • Rank
    A Cherry Ghost
  1. Check out pictureframes.com . . . metal sectionals are easy to order (by the inch) and put together, and pretty inexpensive too. Then go to a local glass shop and pick up a pane of glass. Figure about $75 for frame & glass, and 20 minutes to put together with a screwdriver. Nice.
  2. Hey, devoted fan here (NYC) who will be on my own in Prague on 9/28 and would love to share the extra ticket I have for the band's show at the Archa. If there is any chance you're serious about going to this show, shoot me an email! Even if you're going & don't need a ticket, would be cool to hear from you. Note: tickets are paid for . . . this is not a post to try to sell any tickets! Matt mfmtn72@gmail
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