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About alanmaass

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    A Cherry Ghost

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  1. Not sure how to close a thread, but this ticket found a good home!
  2. I won't be able to get there, so I'm selling one ticket (GA floor) to this show on August 27. Face was $100 or so, but I'll take the best offer.
  3. 🤞🤞 Thanks. Wow, I wish I could have heard Being There, my favorite album except for my other favorite albums.
  4. Drat, the Saturday show won't work for me after all. Good luck. Can't wait for this show....
  5. That might work. Where are your tix? Mine are row b of the upper loge. Looks like seven or eight rows back from the front of the balcony.
  6. I got two too many tickets to the YHF show in New York City, United Palace Theater on April 19. They're in the Upper Loge, Row B, which means seven rows back from the front of the balcony, which looks to be thrust pretty far forward. A little more than halfway from the center to the left wall. Face plus Ticketmaster fees (%$#^%$) was over $100 each. I'll take $200 OBO for both and transfer the tickets to you. Cmon, you know you need to see this....
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