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Posts posted by BigWheeledWagon

  1. Wow, I really like this one.


    On another note, I'm really getting a kick out of "Man, the new album is going to suck" talk out there. I remember the same talk when the songs for AGIB started circulating. The same is true for YHF. I guess there are those out there that wish Wilco would just make Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 2: The Bravo Alpha Tango, or Summerteeth 2: Autumn Orthadonture, or A Ghost is Born 2: The Ghost Pottie Trains. Personlly, I enjoy seeing all the new directions the music takes, but I guess that when you make such great and distinctive albums, people are going to want more of the same, and I can't really blame them. I'm also looking forward to seeing how these songs shape up in the studio.

  2. Does anyone have any idea as to what type of hamonica jeff tweedy uses? Also Dylan, and Neil Young.

    I'm assuming Hohners, but are they Marine bands, blues harps? I have a marine band, but it seems like its missing something (harmonica talent??). Just wondering if anyone else had any ideas?


    You know, unlike other instruments, I've never really been able to tell the difference between most medium-priced harmonicas and more expensive ones. I mean, the cheapo ones sound inferior, but the difference between the rest is so subtle, I'm not sure it makes that much difference. Maybe it's just me, though. I'm only a so-so harp player.

  3. So I'm gearing up to hit the recording again this summer after I close out college (yeah!!!) and am looking to buy some effects equipment. I think we all know I have to buy a prunes and custard, but does anybody know what kind of multi-effects setup that is good. I need bang for the buck and I want I wide variety of sounds...


    I really like the Line 6 emulators. For the most part, it's like having a lot of little boutique pedals all rolled into one box (some pedals are emulated better than others, though).

  4. The problem is the next step up seems to be several hundred dollars - a bit much unless you're really serious about it.


    I find that with a crapload of reverb into a decent tube amp (realizing that most steel players these days use high powered solid state amps but I prefer tube) I think it sounds pretty decent. It's my playing that I'm less than happy about.


    One recommendation I got (actually he's on VC) is to use a heavy bullet bar for better tone.


    Yeah, I've been using a heavy bullet bar, and I run the guitar through a tube amp and reverb it up pretty good -- it still sounds, I don't know, thin maybe? Like you, I suspect my playing may be what I'm less than happy about. You know, I can play almost any stringed instrument pretty well (guitar, bass, mandolin, even banjo) but when you introduce a slide/steel bar into the mix (or a bow -- forget about it) things get messy for me.

  5. I'm interested in doing some home recording on the computer (PC, not Mac). I have software, and I have mics, amps, etc. But what should I use to interface the 1/4" out on stuff like Mics to the computer proper?


    How much money are you looking to spend? Do you have firewire? What kind of soundcard? These are all significant factors. If you're just looking for a cheap but reliable way to get it done, though, I like this product:


    M-Audio USB

  6. Guitars:

    Fender Telecaster '52 reissue

    Fender Strat -- 80's Japanese made

    '67 Gibson Dove


    a cheap Peavey bass


    a very old banjo of unknown make (it was my great-grandfather's)


    Fender mandolin


    cheap steel guitar (non-pedal)


    Silverface Fender Bassman 10 amp


    I can't recall what kind of keyboard I have, but it needs upgrading




    Line 6 distortion emulator

    Line 6 modulation emulator

    Ibanez Tube Screamer


    Various and sundry other little pedals laying around though not much used


    Shure 57 and 58 mics


    Recording software -- SONAR 5

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