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Radiant Witch Face

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Posts posted by Radiant Witch Face

  1. Since we humans are at the top of the food chain, why not bask in the bounty that nature provides?


    because some of us don't believe that eating so much meat is beneficial. can't I bask in whatever I want to?

  2. This post will be deleted in 3...2...1...


    disappointing really.


    and Noj, I don't eat beef or pork. too much cruelty involved. there is with chicken too, but I haven't made that move yet.

  3. Ok, for the record....I'm liberal. That being said, I think the Left completely ignored that fact that Obama hadnt any real experience in being a leader....we just got suckered by his eloquence and belief that real change was at hand.



    I don't think we got suckered. I think we didn't expect a congress that would not work with him. granted, being a liberal too, there are a lot of things that haven't happened that he said would happen, but he has worked with the most stubborn, do-nothing congress that I have ever witnessed in my life. consider the alternative - McCain/Palin.


    anyway, what does that have to do with people that dismiss climate change? it irritates the crap out of me when I have to convince someone that it exists. even my Republican step-father agrees that climate change has and is taking place.

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